Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thanks God It's Sunday..

another weekend is here.. our initial plan is to just stay put at home on sunday.. we already did our shopping n jalan2 on saturday night.. so sunday, after big breakfast at McD (we had the big breakfast set, hasif had the half bar of small cadbury), we thought we were going to skip lunch.. but then pak long called n said tht they will be going to the tesco near our house.. then papa suggested that we had bbq.. yummy.. papa bought 2 ekor ayam.. pak long bought some prawns n a big barramundi.. ma quickly marinated everything..

the barramundi..

the prawns..

this is my all time favourite.. ayammmmm.. nyummmmm...

while waiting for papa to grill everything, this kids hv better things to do.. well pls excuse our messy house.. eheh..
pak long n family left around 4:30.. at 5pm, the works are calling ma loud n clear.. it's time to hit the keyboard again *deep sigh*