Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Mana mama niii,..? (tanya hasif)

lama dah blog ni x berupdate.. i know i did not do justice to ur blog, hasif.. hasif now already 11 months' old.. i missed his 10 and 11 months' update on his milestone progress *deep sigh, full of regret* works are piling up in the office.. the highest workload tht i ever had since i started working in tht dept.. since i can't stay until late in the office, maka mama kena la bwk blk homework.. can only start working at night after hasif fall asleep.. whc left me burning the midnight oil trying to do something tht seems like x siap2 pun.. tp kalau x bwk blk i'm the one who will hv headache in the office the next day.. this morning we woke up at 6:45am as i did not notice the sound of the alarm clock.. normally mama woke up 5:40am to prepare everything.. but last night i slept quite late trying to finish my work.. so pagi ni sume kesiangan.. lucky tht papa terjaga at 6:45am n found out tht it's already bright outside..

a brief update on hasif..

- the little munchkin is now 11+ months..
- loves music.. become sooo excited n clap his hand when he hears music or ppl singing..
- can cruising now..
- at the moment, we refrain him from eating potato as potatoes can cause constipation to hasif..
- dah pandai n sgt suka cabut smart card astro, much to our dismay.. grrrr..
- Alhamdulillah, Mama still nurse hasif.. n still bring bekal breast milk going to nursery..
- loves chocolate.. the best way to stop him from being too active in the car during a long trip blk kampung is to feed him something, esp chocolate..
- still eat the same old porridge daily.. plus fish or chicken meat..
- dah pandai bukak n 'kemas kan' peti ais..
- loves to bath.. will bite when u take him out of the bathroom as he loves to play with the water..


spectacularwave said...

hi strawb.. busy rupanya patut la senyap je.. siap bawa pulang kerja eh...

ehehehe cabut kad astro eh? amboi dah makin cekap sekarang encik hasif ni...

sukalah dengar citer baby active cam gini.. cute!

Ina said...

patutla senyap je dh lama xdpt baca kisah si hasif ensem nih. mama dia bz rupanya. biasala tu ek strawberry. nk wat cmner kan. sabar jelah :)

klaka tgk gmbr entry bwh tu. ingatkan dia telangkup tertdo kt paper bag tu. nk mkn tali tu rupanyaaa. adoila hasif. macam2 akal dia ek. mesti terhibur je hati tgk keletah dia :D

Anonymous said...

ehehe tu la tu spec.. smpi kena bwk blk n almost daily kena tdo lmbt skit.. prob la skit psl i ni dah biasa tdo cpt.. slalu 9:30 mdah slmt belayar dah ahahaah.. ni kalau tdo kul 1, 2 pagi, tu yg terbgn lmbt pg tu eheh..

tu la.. pandai lak cabut kad astro skang.. kita sedap2 tgk tv tetiba keluar instruction soh insert smart card lak ehehe..

Anonymous said...

ehehe tu la ina.. gigih tu nak gigit tali beg.. slalu dia suka gonggong dia punye kain tuala.. punye la attached sgt ngan tuala kecik dia.. kalau dia malas kutip pki tgn, dia kutip pki mulut smbil merangkak tu ehehe..

spectacularwave said...

amboi.. awainya dia tidoq.. patut awet mudaaa... amboi jeles i ni.nak tiru lah!

Anonymous said...

ahahaha mcm org2 tua kan i ni spec.. ngantuk la.. slalu kalau bwk hasif naik tdo kan dia tu mesti i nak terlelap skali ahahaha.. pg bgn kul 5:40am.. psl tu cpt nagntuk kot waktu mlm (ahahhaah alasan.. akak i pun slalu ejek i dok tdo cpt.. ala2 x de life gitu ehehehhehe)

Anonymous said...

ti samala kiter...aku pun bz sgt. tp aku rela stay back drpd bawak balik kejer psl kalau aku bwk balik pun sure aku tak buat bila dah nampak muka irsa..eheheh. Waa hasif nih dah pandai macam2 yea...nanti ajak mama visit auntie kat shah alam ok...bleh

Anonymous said...

ehehe tu yg payah kan azni.. dah ada anak ni byk la nak kena consider.. tp aku mmg la x sanggup blk lmbt.. abis lmbt pun 6:30 la.. tp slalu nye before 6 tu kira dah menggigil2 la bdn aku nak blk eheh.. most of the time, sharp kul 5:15 aku dah ready nak kuar.. tp tgn sarat la bwk dokumen n pen drive penuh ngan mcm2 khazanah nak setel kan kt umah.. tunggu hasif tdo br leh buat.. tu yg smpi tgh mlm or awal pg tu.. tp since hasif jenis tdo cpt, x kisah la.. slalu kul 8 or 9 dah lena..

eheh auntie.. mama ckp kalau kitorg payah sgt nak gi sana, next time auntie turun jb meh la dtg melawat kitorg ek.. eheheh.. aritu kwn hubby ada kenduri kat shah alam.. tp x dpt pegi psl bz sgt n x dpt cuti..

Anonymous said...

ti ko mmg mama yg gigih dan berdedikasi uhuhuh....dah byk kali aku try bwk kejer balik umah, end up aku angkut balik semua mender2 tuh masuk keter the next morning tanpa ada apa2 perubahan ehehe..just nak sedapkan hati jer bawak balik tuh..ehehe.

aku pun tatau bila bleh gi jln jauh seket...nak fill-up leave form pun aku dah rasa bos aku dah menjeling2...ehehe belum approach dia lagi tuh. kedah pun dah lama aku tak balik..last time raya haji ari tuh...huhuh..apa bleh buat tuntutan hidup kan...

takpa aku sure one fine day sure kita akan ada masa utk jumpa2an kan...insyaAllah

Anonymous said...

ehehe azni.. aku ni kalau dah terpaksa leh je... tu pun kalau bwk blk keje, buat tu psl takut sok nye bos dah nak nak mintak.. kalau x, mmg jadik cam dedulu kes bwk assignment blk time cuti la.. eheheh saje nak buat berat tgn bwk blk :P

spectacularwave said...

ada plak takde life.. ishh org tido awal la life dia exciting and content.. malam dah tak larat bukak mata... my jedi knight gitu la.. 6 30 am dah chow gi kejer, siap call i yang masih lagi dalam "office hour" kan.. malam-malam baru balik.. terus rebah hehehe..kalau sempat call/sms me tu satu rahmat la...

i pun nak adopt la this habbit...