Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hasif First Vomit..

it happened last thursday, 20 march 2008.. papa went back slightly late.. as usual every thursday, papa has a meeting at 5+pm.. so normally thursday papa will reach home slightly late.. but last thursday, the traffic is soooooooooo bad in the causeway. papa only managed to reach home close to 11pm, though papa left the office 7:30pm..

hasif vomit for the first time tht night.. okay, he had his share of vomit before, but only muntah susu.. this is the first time tht the vomit tht he had contains particles of food.. okay i know it sounds gross, but we want to write this down for our own record.. so tht when u grow up hasif, u can hv a look at these :D

it was 9+pm.. mama wanted to bring hasif up.. bed time already.. then suddenly hasif vommitted.. a lot.. twice.. during the ordeal, hasif just kept silent, he was not crying or even made a sound.. maybe he's shock also experiencing this..

lokasi kejadian..

closer view.. contains particles from his dinner apricot+raisin wheatbread (n ma's dinner also - chicken bits n chocolate indulgence cake - ni kes tumpang org mkn la ni..)..

pandai hasif aim muntah masuk betul2 dlm kasut mama..


spectacularwave said...

alahai siannya la Hasif... mesti dah makan macam-macam suddenly perut meragam skit tu...

takpela.. sometimes memang gitu..

Anonymous said...

ehehe tul la tu spec.. dah mkn mcm2 menda merapu.. ape yg kita mkn segala dia nak gak.. tu yg rs loya ehehe..

spectacularwave said...

taste bud dia dah makin curious tu... good sign, healthy sign...