Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Si Budak Belang..

i have a good feeling with hasif's teacher.. she's caring n loving, up to our standards and expectations..

she sometimes call me at night.. if hasif was sleepy when i picked him up from the nursery, she'll call to ask if hasif had already fall asleep.. or call to give advise on things that she noticed during the day, like hasif's favourite playtime avtivity, or to give suggestion on things tht she feels like hasif will love to do..

even during weekends, she will sometimes call, just to ask how hasif is doing.. i really think that it is soooo sweet for her to do that.. it shows that she was thinking of hasif, even during weekend.. hasif's previous teacher, teacher siti never call me to ask anything..

teacher letchumi rarely call me in the office, unless hasif is not feeling well or there's something strange in his behaviour, i.e. if he cries a lot, refuse to eat etc.. but this morning, she called me to ask something, n let hasif 'talk' to me afterwards.. even though hasif's talking sounds like french eheheh.. i really think that it's mighty nice of her to let hasif talk to me for quite a long time using her phone.. ma pulak yg risau kalau credit prepaid teacher tu abis eheh.. anyway we are glad that hasif bond well with his teacher, though he is not that close with his other teacher, teacher aida..

we have no picture yet of hasif n teacher letchumi.. one day we must take their photos together for our own keepsake.. so hasif, when u are big enough to read this, u will know how the teacher looks like ehehe.. at that time i'm sure teacher letchumi is no longer hasif's teacher (she's in charge of active toddler's program - from birth until 2 years old only)..

well our budak belang does remind me of our cute bedsheet ehehehe..


Anonymous said...

wahhh comel nye budak belang ni. auntie effa rasa macam nak cubit2 aja pipi tu. but i think he's much slimmer now kan? mesti active n lasak ni :D anyway baju tu cantik la ti, mana beli?masa aku shopping baju baby, jarang jumpa yg vibrant colour mcm tu

Anonymous said...

Budak belang ni dah panjang la.. muka lak sebijik cam muka mama dia masa kecik2.. jangan kuat nangis cam mama dulu dah la.. duk ngan arwah onyang masa sekolah rendah tiap2 malam nangis.. last2 wan kena amik dia bwk blk umah.. tinggal la mak ngah sensorang kat kg.. hehehe - Hugs n kisses, mak ngah

Anonymous said...

ala ala comeyyynya budak belang nih..true the baju is nice and even nicer on hasif..eheheh. Kiss sket hasif dah kasi up nih.

about his teacher, lucky he has that type of teacher..jarang jumpa kiddy teacher caring macam tuh. Irsa's teacher tak pernah pun call aku. tp kitorg mmg selalu la call eheheh... kalau kitorg tanya baru la citer psl development budak tu kalau tak tunggu for monthly report jer la...anyway skang aku dah take thing long as irsa selamat dan happy there, ok la untuk mud punya req is different..dia punya expectation is very high..tapi tak salah per..psl bukannya murah playschool dia punya we deserve the best service kan.

Ina said...

Wah Hasif comel dah jadi King Bee la. Bila nk dpt sayap ni? Jgn lupa suruh mama Hasif pasang sayap pastuh leh terbang. Haa penat la mama Hasif nak kejar lepas tu hihihi ;D

Anonymous said...

eff.. the cloth is from baby gap.. go chk their lines.. byk yg lawa2 (eheheh this is a community service.. iklan ini tiday dibayar siaran nye :P)

tu la effa.. dia dah x se'chubby dulu.. tmbh skang ni dah makin besa pjg, lagi la nampk kurus skit.. sebaik pipi kira montel gak la lagi ehehe.. mmg active sgt2.. x larat nak kejar dah kadang2 eheh tu ygkalau dia jemu ngan toys dia, main kasik je ape ada kasik dia distracted jap.. (thus explains kenapa ada masking tape kat tikar tu :P)

Anonymous said...

ahahahaah mak ngah niiii.. blk oenang, tok penang ckp papa kecik2 johan nangis.. blk bahau, mak ngah ckp mama nangis mlm rindu umah lak.. waaa x leh ikut perangai both side la camni :P

Anonymous said...

hasif ckp 'muahhhh auntie azni ngan kak irsa 3ribu kali :D'

tul la azni.. kita ni kengkadang dah bayar byk tu expect something la kan.. tp aku pun x sangka la teacher yg ni caring sgt psl the previous teacher x camtu pun.. pagi2 time kita anta tu x de la dia sibuk tny hasif dah minum ke blom, or tny bgn tdo kul bape.. bila kita smpi tu dia amek hasif n trus masuk.. tp teacher letchumi ni byk tny la ms kita smpi.. sihat ke tidak, mlm tdo lena ke tak, dah minum susu ke blom, bgn tdo kul bape.. n paling suka pasal hasif akan senyum besa each time teacher tu greet dia good morning.. so sng la hati kan nak tgl kan kat situ..

oo irsa ada monthly report eh azni..? tpt hasif ni x de la monthly report bagai.. verbally je la teacher dia mereport ari2.. x pe as long as irsa sihat n happy, kira ok la kan.. selagi dia x nangis hentak2 kaki kata x mo gi sana tu, kira ok la kan.. ehehe..

Anonymous said...

eheheh ina.. skang ni pun kadang rasa semput nak kejar dia.. br pg td terlungkup dr walker psl mama dia x smpt nak kejar n selamat kan.. adoii haru tul.. sebaik la kaki dia still hanging dlm walker yg terbalik tu.. so impact kat kepala x teruk sgt.. x la full force jatuh head's down mcm jatuh katil dulu.. (kalau ada sayap mmg x leh imagine la camne nak kejar ehehe :P)

Anonymous said...

ti..irsa punya come toether with her monthly bill..eheheh. ntah sama jer aku tgk every month. dah ada template agaknya..

kalau irsa yg girl nih pun melasak tak hengat punya..hasif lagi la ek..emmm tunggu bila dia start memanjat nanti lagi la risau...takbleh underestimate apa yg depa can do...

spectacularwave said...

budak belang ni cute la.. makin lama makin mirip mama dia.. hey, sampai hati mama samakan dia dengan soft toy tu.. hasif lagi cute la..baju je nak dekat sama. :)

Anonymous said...

azniiiiiii.. lmbt nye aku respond kan eheheh.. x berkesempatan la pulok nak surf lately.. tp tu la azni.. dah pandai jln sok x tau la kan.. ni dah pandai cruising n jengket2 kaki nak amek sume brg kt atas tu pun rs dah semput kadang2 ehehehe.. nak kena ngekor je mana dia pegi.. kalau x kang takut jatuh lak..

Anonymous said...

eheeheh sama cam muka mama dia kan spec.. tp kadang2 ada gak yg ckp dia ikut muka papa dia sebijik.. so i guess he has the features combination of us both eheheeh..