Thursday, February 21, 2008

4 Things Meme

Mama received this tag from miss red.. ooo senyap2 je tag org ek.. eheheh.. so here goes..

4 Things Meme

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Cashier A&W Pandan Indah – worked here for a month during my semester break longggggg time ago.. ehehehe igt lg dulu carik keje with my uni fren, pin.. ahahah lawak tul time tu..
2. Clerk at a legal firm in Bahau – after finished study, before the ‘real’ work.. ehehe works here for around 2 weeks only as MM*E already called.. learned to type using typewriter here.. adoiii charged experience..
3. Electrical/PDMS Engineer
4. Proposal Engineer

Four places I lived:

1. Bahau, NS
2. Tronoh, Perak
3. Persiaran Mayang *berapa-tah-dah-lupa*, Penang
4. Bandar Seri Alam, Johor

Four movies I’ve watched over and over:

1. Bring It On
2. Ghost
3. Clueless
4. Meg Ryan’s romantic movies like sleepless in seattle, when harry met sally, addicted to love, etc..

Four shows I watch:

1. All time fav Friends.. I had watched the series countless times..
2. Grey’s Anatomy
3. Hell’s Kitchen
4. American Idol

Four places I’ve been:

1. Singapore
2. Penang
3. Pangkor
4. KL ehehehe I’m so pathetic.. sume yg dkt2.. either s’pore or around m’sia je..

Four people who e-mail me regularly:

1. Babycentre
2. Babyfit
3. my pren kak inaz.. *muahhh KI*
4. Ex-colleague Effa

Four favorite things to eat:

1. Keropok Lekor
2. Nasik lemak
3. Ayammmmm msk ape pun.. esp kalau goreng..
4. Chocolates.. lotsssssss of chocolates..

Four places I’d rather be:

1. At home.. spend time with my babies..
2. At my kampung..
3. Rome.. ever since I’m small n started reading greek mythology, I always dream to be here..
4. UK..

Four things I look forward to this new year:

1. Shed off those ‘baby’ fat eheheh..
2. Watching my son grows.. his first step.. his first words.. ok not his first words la.. proud to say that his first words is ma or mama.. eheheh best.. best.. hasif dah pandai panggil mama dia :D
3. Our family vacation.. wherever it will be.. near or far x kisah la..
4. Spend raya with my younger brother, hasif’s pak teh.. best.. best.. tmbh sorg lg assistant utk mengemas umah n siap kan mcm2 time raya :P

Four people to tag:

I am not going to name names.. those who are interested to do the tag, pls do so n let me know eh once u do tht.. buttttttttttttttttt I will name one person.. the person issssssssssssssssss *drum roll* EPOL.. so pot jgn segan silu buat okeh :D