Monday, February 11, 2008

CNY Break..

it was quite a long holiday in malaysia last week.. public holiday for chinese new year on 8 n 9 february (thursday and friday), applied leave on saturday, 10 february.. so total we have 4 days leave, or u can have longer break if u applied more annual leave la.. so we took the opportunity to travel balik kampung to penang.. this will be hasif's 3rd trip blk penang.. the first time was right after our confinement period, n then hari raya 2007 where we spend the first and 2nd day of raya in penang..

1st day, thursday, 7 feb. 2008

we started the journey early on thursday morning.. initial plan was that we must be out of the house by 4am.. this is important in order to ensure that will not be caught in traffic congestion to png.. but the little prince had a better plan for us.. he did not had a good nite sleep prior to the travelling.. woke up at 1:30am for his milk, n decided to merengek until 3 am.. papa massaged his tummy, only then he started to sleep peacefully.. so to cut the story short, we were unable to wake up at 3:30 (who can.. sleep at 3am then woke up at 3:30 ek.. mana larat eheh).. we only managed to wake up at 5:30 am.. hurriedly kemas apa2 yg patut n get ready, out from the house by 6:30 am..

the journey was uneventful that morning.. mama accompanied hasif sleeping in the car all the way to seremban.. our first stop was Seremban Specialist Hospital.. reached there at 9:00am.. we were there to visit pak su.. ops don't misunderstood ok pak teh, not our side of pak su.. this is hasif's pak su on pa's side.. he is pa's youngest brother.. admitted due to dislocation of disc in his tulang pinggang.. apparently he fell during his trip to US recently, but only realised later that it becomes more painful with each passing day..

this is the hospital.. it is relatively new compared to Johor Specialist or Puteri Specialist.. the hospital is soooooo cantik n wangi n the room is spacious n the nurse is pretty n the air seems to be fresher (cehhh puji x hengat ni..) eheheh.. we basically loves everything about the hospital (except the doctor n the service la kan as we have no experience yet..) if only we can move the hospital to jb.. or even better to pasir gudang.. best tul..

so this is pak su.. hasif was trying to set himself free.. eheh still stranger's anxiety.. nice to see but not nice to hold.. he will laugh n play with u but do not dare to hold him.. eheheh kang melalak kang..

ma pun nak pose gak ngan hasif.. this is the waiting place outside the ward.. so selesa..

so we continue our journey at 9:30 am.. heavy traffic to northern part.. lucky that pa is so terer.. he used our 'special lane' most of the time :)

driving in our special lane requires skill sometimes.. ehehe..

hasif only slept for 1 hour during the trip seremban - penang.. so basically 1 hour sleep, 5 hours playing.. aiyooo penat sgt layan hasif.. mama nak terlelap pun x dpt.. we reached penang around 3:30 pm..

night time, again hasif had difficulties to sleep.. maybe because of the new environment.. beralih tempat tido gitu.. it was still early for us to sleep, 9pm but for hasif it was time to hit the pillow.. bentang tilam kat bawah since hasif tidur quite buas.. so x leh tido atas katil dulu.. but each time i put him to sleep, he will crawl towards the door.. so ma's last resort was to draw the curtain n closed the door.. pitch-darkness.. but i noticed that hasif still moved.. i quickly get the camera n snap his photos to see what he's up to as i can't see him clearly in the dark..

alahai.. dlm gelap pun hasif merangkak gi pintu.. still trying to set himself free..
funny to see how he attempt to open the door when in fact it's totally dark in our room..

2nd day, friday, 8 feb. 2008

planned to visit some of pa's uncles n aunts in the afternoon.. sume cancel psl hasif ngantuk but yet he refused to sleep.. when he finally slept, it was 3+pm.. n he slept like a log until 6+pm.. nite time, after maghrib, we went to tok teh's house.. tok teh is pa's auntie.. we stayed there until almost 10pm if i'm not mistaken.. hasif ate sooooo much.. earlier at home, he ate some corn.. in tok teh's house, he ate keropok, bahulu n coklat.. all in small quantity though, but the combination proves to be disastrous as he vomitted soo much afterwards.. must be because of the oily keropok ikan.. so hasif, that will be the last time u eat keropok ok.. sian tok teh had to wipe the mess with her own bare hands as their maid was on leave that day (ma nak kemas ok but she refused any assistance.. much to ma's delight ehehehe.. dasar pemalas tu :P)

3rd day, saturday, 9 feb. 2008

so the plan for today was to go to mak long's house.. she is pa's eldest sister, residing in balik pulau, a place famous for their durian kaki (alahai bukan musim durian lak skang) n fresh jeruk (spec, i will contact u through email later.. hv something simple for u).. we went out of the house around 11:45am.. hasif slept all the way through until blk pulau.. lunch was served immediately when we reached there.. sodap we were feasting on home-cooked meals of nasik n a few lauks (she made a great chicken rendang) n laksa penang.. releks sat, around 3 pm we were out to Queensbay Mall (kak inaz, azni n intan.. do u know that the mall is so near to Penang Free Industrial Zone..? kalau la zaman dolu2 dah ada this mall, mesti ronggeng sakan kita kan dulu :D) uishhhh the place is soooooooo huge.. it's currently the largest n longest n the most modern shopping mall in penang.. they have lotssss of kedai inside.. if only we can move this mall to jb.. seems like we are ketandusan shopping mall here in jb (elok la tu sebena nye, x la abis duit byk sgt shopping eheheh :P)

striking a pose with the chinese new year deco inside the mall.. from the left is tok wan (pa's father), Bie (hasif's cousin, anak Mak Long), papa n our precious boy, Siti (hasif's cousin, anak Mak Long gak) n Tok (pa's mother)..

sorry hasif, ma had to color my face as i looked like a clown in this photo ehehehe.. mama over excited la ape lagi..

we bought a few items there in queensbay mall.. ma bought a cute n sexy sandal (ahahahah in my own opinion la kan).. out from the place at 6pm.. on the way back to send the kids back to mak long's house, we stopped by the 'menara'.. this is where people stop n take photos n basically enjoying the view from the hilltop.. siti said the char kuey teow stall there is sooo famous n sooo sedap.. so hasif we must remember to make pa stop here next time for the char kuey teow.. tht time we hv no opportunity as we had better plan for dinner..

after maghrib, we bid farewell to mak long's family.. mama, papa, hasif, tok n tok wan nak blk dah.. but before that we planned to hv dinner at telok tempoyak, in batu maung.. this place is famous for the ikan bakar.. buttttttttttttt after we reached batu maung, we had some difficulties to find the place n tok said better balik as the place seems to be so scary n dark.. plus hasif was asleep n ma was a bit reluctant to stop for dinner..x sampai hati nak kejut kan hasif.. so we went back straight to junjong.. reached home around 10pm..

4th day, sunday, 10 feb. 2008

so we will be leaving by 2pm.. we went out around 2:15pm, but stopped by (actually deviate from our route) carrefour in seberang jaya.. the reason..??? eheheheheheheeheheheh we came to know tht they have kyros kebab there.. eheheheh.. ma absolutely love kyros kebab.. i used to savour the delicious kebab in kotaraya, kl before but they had closed the outlet there..
this is the ever-so-marvelous kyros kebab.. we bought 6 pcs.. eheheh 3 regular (one for papa n 2 for pa's cousin n her fren yg tumpang kitorg smpi dengkil - her car accident in penang during the CNY holiday, so bas pun dah x de) n 3 large for yours truly.. ehheeh ma nak lepas gian.. order 3 large, no vege, xtra meat.. yummy.. sodap sangat2 tau hasif.. when u grow up, i'll treat u to kyros kebab eh.. really hope that they will open an outlet here in jb..

we hit the hiway by 4pm.. traffic jam everywhere..!! lucky that skillful papa used his special lane again ehehehehe.. i think pa used that lane 70 % of the time :D

we reached dengkil by 11pm.. kesian papa.. we stopped there for almost 50 mins for dinner n freshen up.. pa had been driving for close to 11 hours straight so better lurus kan pinggang.. thank god no more traffic jam from exit USJ, subang jaya onwards.. uneventful trip until we reached home sweet home at 3:10am.. as a summary, we were travelling from 2:10pm until 3:10am.. adoiiii kesian papa.. ma n hasif had a wonderful time though.. hasif slept all the way through.. from penang until jb... only woke up for 1.5hrs when we stopped by in simpang pulai n another hour in RnR Dengkil..

so that's our holiday diary ehehehehe.. had to jot down everthing for our own sake of memory :) hope u guys had an even better holiday..


spectacularwave said...

yuhu, strawb..firstly memang best la nampak Seremban Specialist tu.. i tengok from your photos, cam clean and sterile.. bila you kata fresh and comfortable tu i can imagine le...

amboi hasif, pandai dah nak lanjutkan time tidur ekk.. orang dah semakin besar now.. cian mama dia.. tapi takpe mama dia tough breed.. sure boleh cope.

and i love those photos in the mall.. sangat cantik lah strawb deco dia..(btw strawb u buat i saspen je with your little note *wink*)

and photos on the hilltop tu memang my fav.. so natural and fresh, so beautiful!

last question.. strawb, kyros kebab tu sama tak macam McD's chicken or beef foldover tu? teringin nak rasa but sini takde eh kyros?

your CNY holiday was really meriahlah, strawb.

Anonymous said...

bestnya merayap kat penang... aku pegi last christmas. tp xpegi pn kat queensbay tu. bila ko citer ni br sedar kewujudannya :p. bila gi sana t'ingat zaman dolu2 ;)

Anonymous said...

tul la best spec.. kalau ada ilmu hitam mmg i dah angkut spital tu gi area pasir gudang ehehee.. u x pe la jhr specialist dkt gak ngan umah.. i ni paling dkt penawar .. kalau ada pape leceh la psl spital penawar tu kecik je n kureng skit ehehe (pandai je ckp camtu, padahal br kena admitted skali je)..

kyros kebab mmg tersgt la marbeles nye spec.. McD's foldover tu pki pita bread kan.. this one is using lebanese bread or u can opt for tortilla.. i normally go for the lebanese bread.. tu la mslh nye diorg x de outlet kt jb.. but they have one in klcc.. in fact the outlet is soooo limited.. maybe kurang publisity kot sbb tu nobody's interested to venture in their franchising scheme.. nanti la i bukak 1 outlet kt jb eh, i'll give u a VIP card nanti ;)

heyy i lupa nak email u last night.. will do so later eh..

oo btw lucky tht hasif tdo lmbt ms 1st nite tu je.. lps tu back to his usual self.. tdo kul 8 or paling lmbt 9.. ehehe lega skit..

Anonymous said...

ehehe aku pun x tau gak tan.. diorg ajak gi aku ni ikut je la.. bila surf pastu br tau details psl mall ni.. tp mmg dkt gilo la tan dr tpt kita dulu.. mlm tu ms nak g bt maung aku lalu la motorola, fairchild, intel segala.. tersengih2 aku sensorg dibuat nye ehehe.. lalu bkt jambul nmpk lak area umah kau dulu.. eheheh..

oooooo kau g png ke ms cuti christmas dulu.. ada hal ke saje berjln..? kalau berjln mesti korg lepak area2 feringghi kan.. jauh gak la nak ke situ..

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

hehe ki lg teruk...bila baca ati crita p balik pulau tmpt mkn durian tepi jln tuh teringat zmn dating ngan "abg din" :D..gatai kan...pergghh waktu tu rasa romantik abih dah...mkn durian ggt ujg2 gigi je..seulas pun tak licin hahahaha...gilooo!!!!penangan chenta monyetttt...:D

Anonymous said...

ahahahah klakar la ki ni.. igt lg tu kt abg din jejaka berkilat tu ehehe :P zaman tgh hangat dulu sume kontrol tu kan.. jatuh saham lak kang kalau mkn durian smpi berlemuih ;)

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

jejaka berkilat tu lah first love den tauu!!!ensemmm apeerrrr...cuma jahat la menipu....:D

Anonymous said...

ahahahah lawaknya la ki nih....ahahah bleh igt lagi dok intai ki dating kat ipoh parade. Punyalah nak tgk abg kilat yg hensem yg menipu tuh..ehehehe.. Bleh byang cemana kak inaz makan durian sambil kontrol ayu...makk aiii untung laa bawak pi time tuh...ahahah

queen's bay maall tuh mmg dekat ngna area situ kan.. aku pernah pegi sekali. itupun time aku outstation ke inokom yg follow aku tuh bebduak selatan so dorg nak gi jln x masuk pun kat dalam..dok lepak tepi laut yg ngadap pulau jerjak tu mmg nampak happening la tpt tuh..tatau la tak masuk pun... law ko kat maner? penang ker kulim ek? aku pun konpius.

Ina said...

wah wah wah bestnya bercoti2 sambil bermakan2! org yg baca ni telan air liur jela n tumpang seronok jela hihihi. ckp psl penang i dh lama tak jln2 penang. ingat nnt kalau balik nak la lajak g sana. dh smpi sana nnt food hunting lah apa lagi kan ;P neway gmbr hasif nk bukak pintu tu klaka la plak hihi. apsal dia nk bukak pintu nk kuar bilik ke apa :D

Anonymous said...

ensemmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sgt ki eheheheehehe.. 'shivering is good.. shivering is very good..' t'igt lak den phrase yg ki suka ckp bila tgk cikgu electrical circuit (ehhh ye ke subject ni eh.. cikgu yg ki suka, yg dok pki bj buat dr kain langsir tu)

Anonymous said...

in law aku kat junjong.. area penang la tp kalau lompat2 dlm beberapa meter je trus smpi kedah dah ehehe.. dkt gilo la dah ngan kulim..

oo tepi laut yg dpn queensbay tu ngadap pulau jerjak eh. aku aritu x smpt la nak beromantika dok tepi laut.. nmpk cantik tp panas sgt lak time tu.. ada lak yg jadik ikan kering kang eheh..

Anonymous said...

ehehe x pe ina.. blk mesia nanti bleh tour satu mesia.. ada la yg mkn smpi kembung perut sok tu :D

ha'ah, hasif nak bukak pintu tu nak kuar la.. kalau dok bilik kang kena baring n tdo.. budak2 ni kan suka thn mata even though dah ngantuk yg amat ehehehe.. pd hal mata dia dah x bape bleh bukak dah time tu.. still nak merangkak kuar tgk org tgk tv eheh..