Thursday, February 14, 2008

Soul Mate..

i found this in my younger brother's blog.. the one that i had not seen for a good 8 months.. very meaningful, thus i intend to post it here, specially dedicated to my better half..

Soul Mate: a person with whom one has a strong affinity.

When the person you love loves you back unconditionally. When you're hurting and you don't even have to say it because they can hear it in the mere tone of your words. It's when just a simple hello makes all the worries of the day disappear. It's how your hands fit together perfectly even when they share not in size. And how no matter what you say or do, there they are, longing to give you love you don't feel you deserve.

It's in the way you says my name. It's in the way you think about me. It's in the moments we spend together. It's when time with you stands's with you i decided i want to live the rest of my life...

I love u soooooo much :x


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much my dear. Actually, I've read this few times but I have no words to express how much I luv u and our dear Hasif.

I would like to dedicate to you....

"Tiada puisi atau lagu
Tiada potret tiada ragu
Yang dapat ku ilham seindahmu
Nyata kau satu dalam berjuta
Wahai jelita kau istimewa

Walau ku kembara sedunia
Walau ketemu ramai wanita
Nyata kau tiada tandingannya
Seikhlas hati aku menyinta
Kau istimewa, teristimewa

Daku berikrar
Wahai maharaniku
Bina mahligai syahdu
Hanya engkau dan aku di situ

Tiada mimpi atau fantasi
Tiada rasa lebih berseri
Semekar murni hatimu sayang
Siang dan malam, aku terbayang
Kau istimewa, buat ku tenang

Daku berikrar
Wahai maharaniku
Bina mahligai syahdu
Hanya engkau dan aku di situ

Ingin ku bawa kau ke awana
Ingin memadu kasih asmara
Sepanjang hayatku curah cinta
Sebenar-benar ucapan kata
Kau istimewa oh! Percayalah
Ku perlu cinta dari wanitaku nan istimewa
Beriku cintamu nan istimewa"

spectacularwave said...

wow.. i nak nyibuk ni.. firstly the soul mate post is so very interesting and touching.. and secondly you guys are so sweet and romantic.. i would have to say Cool and Admirable.

spectacularwave said...

by the way Istimewa is one of my fav too ... Indigo kan?

Anonymous said...

tq papa hasif :x ehehe i still remembered tht this is exactly the lyrics tht u put in the card tht i received after our date years ago ehehe..

Anonymous said...

ahaha spec jgn loya dah la ye.. show public affection kt sini lak ek.. btw ha ah lagu indigo tu.. sodap kan lagu tu.. tp indigo tah mana dah skang.. igt dulu ms i study indigo ada buat lagu duet ngan juliana banos.. i minat lagu tu tp kena kutuk kaw2 la ngan member2 psl minat lagu si banos tu eehehe..