Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hepi Besday Abg Adha..!!

we went back to ma's hometown last weekend, saturday nite, 2nd february 2008.. since we are planning to go back to penang during the upcoming chinese new year holiday, we better balik bahau earlier la..

we brought along abg adha's birthday present.. we bought the present at jusco permas 2 nites earlier.. i became so geram with abg adha's toys when we bought it but papa managed to pujuk me n i stopped sulking already cause pa also bought me a new toys.. fisher price's cookie jar.. eheheh.. the cookie jar can sing well.. less than 24 hours after we purchased that one, ma can already sing the whole song repeatatively like a broken record..

ma said his 4th birthday is today (last saturday), n luckily abg adha n the geng also blk kg, as they had some planned activities in jengka, pahang last sunday.. we reached bahau 9:15pm.. quite surprised when we saw a few cars there, n they are our relatives.. wan chik, tok chik, pak ulung, mak ngah, auntie erni n uncle sutan were also there.. seems like there's a celebration going on.. yeaaa birthday party abg adha la.. i noticed ma became so excited at that time, because a celebration means byk foods right.. we were feasting with satay, laksa johor n plain rice with a few lauks.. no pictures though as mama became rambang mata seeing all those good foods..

abg adha tgh kontrol senyum with his yummylicious tiramisu cake.. on his right is mak ngah, and pak ulung is the one in the background..

hasif pun nak posing with the cake.. (kindly ignore ma's sweaty-plump face.. she said she looks better when she's not tired eheheheeheh..)

hasif tgh gigih usya uzma.. pak su tgh gigih amek mknn..

atok looked a whole lot better than the last time we saw him..

as usual, pak ngah was the guy who's in charge with bakar2..

jeles ni.. abg adha received byk gifts that nite.. left most is the gift from pak su n his ehem ehem.. middle one is mak ngah n the next one is from auntie erni.. oo mak ngah gave him a set of walkie talkie.. very functional..

memula hasif usya je dulu abg adha bukak his present..

then both guys became so excited.. notice who's the most super-excited among those 2..? ehehe mcm dia punye hadiah :P

this is the gift from hasif (well okay.. actually papa was the one who paid for the gift.. but it was from hasif nonetheless.. ehehe)...

papa tgh khusyuk tlg abg adha pasang kan the rail for his new car set (sebena nye lps tu papa nak tlg main sama2.. sbb tu dia pasang cepat2 :P)

hasif tgh main keta present from abg adha's parents, mak ngah n pak ngah.. papaaaaa i lurveeee this car.. the stering bleh bunyik2.. kat depan tu ada shooter or something bleh pusing2 n tembak2 n have lights some more.. n the car is battery operated n can really move.. papaaaaa.. see i hv a good time playing with this one --hint hint--


Ina said...

Laa birthday saper ni sebenarnya Hasif?! hihi. Takpela nanti birthday Hasif pun boleh dapat banyak presents jugak :D

spectacularwave said...

strawb, could u give me some ideas for a birthday present of a one year old baby boy? betul2 buntu ni...

Anonymous said...

ahahaha lawak kan ina.. geli hati bila tgk dia over-excited camtu.. eheheh.. tgk kertas wrapper yg belonggok byk2 tu pun suka :P

Anonymous said...

oo tgh gift-hunting eh spec.. eheh i pun x pandai sgt but educational toys can be a very good gift.. or books.. dr seuss' books by random house tu ke or book series like ladybird etc.. for me la this is one of the fail-proof gift.. eheheh.. or toys like the rocker yg bebudak bleh duduk n goyang2 tu.. or the one like small car with the high handle at the back where we can help the baby to move by pushing the car.. this one is not battery operated whatever, very simple car, manual.. the boy need to use his leg in order to move the car.. esp good for babies yg learning to walk.. this is not so expensive also.. u can even get one below rm50.. u know for my nephew, this is one of the gift yg dia received during his 1st birthday yg dia dok main smpi arini ehehe.. dah 4 taun umo still suka sgt naik keta yg tolak pki kaki sendiri tu..

spectacularwave said...

wahhh strawb.. thanks a million! you ni memang best dan resourceful lah.. now i have some ideas.. cool, cool! tq dearest...