Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Festival Layang-layang Antarabangsa Pasir Gudang 2008

Festival Layang-layang Antarabangsa is an annual event conducted in Bukit Layang2, Pasir Gudang.. so this is hasif's first experience going to the pesta.. but we were not so lucky.. when we reached there at noon last sunday, 24 feb 2008, there was no wind.. we heard an announcement from the mc or someone tht no kite managed to soar due to the lack of wind.. aiseh br nak show off all those beautiful n gigantic kites to hasif..

the building on our back is Muzium Layang2. u know hasif, it's sooo difficult to let u use that topi.. each time u noticed something foreign on top of ur head, u will reach out n throw the topi on the ground..

hasif is soo excited to watch the kids playing their kite.. it's so meriah over there.. ppl were getting in the mood to play kite, with lots of stall selling kites, vaiety of shapes and kinds..

in front of the Muzeum Layang-layang Pasir Gudang..

there was also a blood donation campaign for hospital waqaf an-nur.. medical check up is a necessity to ensure tht only fit person donates blood..

papa in action.. nasib baik x mabuk darah (ehehehe ye ke x mabuk :P) in the meantime, ma brought hasif around jalan2..

we know it's time hit the road back home when we noticed this.. alahai sian dia ngantuk sgt2 dah.. we went there straight from hospital anyway.. hasif had his second jab for pneumococcal earlier tht day.. so we went back straight though we had been there for only a little over an hour.. it was scorching hot anyway..

this year we were unable to watch the beautiful kite.. variety of shapes normally.. it's ok, till next year..


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

ala dieerrr siaaannnnn....penat eh..dah la kena cocok pg tu..

syok tgk gmbar dia tgh tergelak nganga tuh...gaya mcm nak terjun dr mama dia... excited!!

Anonymous said...

ehehe sian kan.. penat + panas.. mula tdo terkulai je pale ke bwh.. pastu kena angkat pale dia ampu kt bahu kita..

Ina said...

teringat kocik2 dlu main kite. bestnyaaa. kan best selama2 nya jd bdk2 hehe (komen mengarut ;P)

Anonymous said...

ahaha best kan ina. terlari2 la kang keja kite tu.. kadang sampai nak termasuk longkang tu psl mata leka pandang kite :D