Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ada Apa Dengan Dapo..

Our brand new state-of-the-art electric stove/oven is here.. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. okay I’m exaggerating.. it’s just a humble n simple dapo cap butterfly.. it all started about 2 weeks ago actually.. hasif.. please learn something from this story.. so here it goes..

2 weeks ago, while cooking hasif’s porridge in our gas stove, I noticed that the flame was yellowish n berjelaga.. it causes the pot to be blackend by the jelaga.. my initial tought was that the dapo rosak already.. aisehhh. marah la mcm ni.. we just bought the dapo, I think around 3 months’ ago.. may be the cable or the connector or whatever thing that we call it yg kaler itam yg sambung kan from the gas to the dapo was loose, since hasif did play with that one the day before.. he was in his walker at tht time while ma tried to cook dinner..

so the flame remains yellowish despite papa’s effort to tighten the connector etc.. last week, Tuesday morning to be exact, while cooking hasif’s porridge in the morning, the flame suddenly became smaller n finally poof..! x leh nyala dah.. ma continued cooking the porridge in the rice cooker while pa trying to recitify the situation.. pa said ‘gas habis kot’.. but stubborn mama was adamant that the stove already rosak.. mas insist that the gas was relatively new.. we bought early November.. normally our gas can last for months.. so it must not be the gas right.. it must be the stove.. rosak la tu..

so yesterday morning papa send msg to mama using skype, said tht we better get a new stove, the one that comes with the oven.. yes, we have oven already but pa had always said before that he want a better oven.. so ma said ok la.. so after office, papa n hasif picked ma up.. off we went to masai in search of a good stove.. we settled with a butterfly electric stove/oven.. we initially planned to get europa/zanussi brand but finally decided upon the butterfly brand, as per the tokey kedai’s recommendation, though the price is much higher.. btw this shop is the one that we frequent.. i bought most of my electrical appliances here, ever since I’m single.. while we were there, we bought also a mixer.. just a simple mixer la.. cap butterfly gak.. dah ada oven yg best kena la ada mixer kan sng nak buat kek (ehehe mama n papa dah berangan nak msk macam2 ni.. there goes my diet if bake cakes/cookies every week)..

after dinner, we hurried back so papa can kemas2 a little bit to give way to the new stove/oven.. pa disconnect the old stove n then suddenly he called ma.. tong gas tu ringan sgt.. bleh angkat satu tgn.. which only means that gas dah abis..!!! so dapo lama tu x rosak pun, x nyala pasal x de gas..!! adussss we paid already for the new dapo.. sayang.. sayang.. but sporting papa said ok la.. x pe.. sooner or later we are going to buy the dapo pun.. so moral of the story is (1) if the flame of ur gas stove turns yellow, chances are gas dah nak abis n bukan dapo yg rosak.. though u just bought the gas 2 months ago or 2 weeks ago or even yesterday.. don’t underestimate the number of cooking tht u had done with ur dapo.. (2) bila tetiba dapo gas dah x nyala, again the chances are gas abis, n bukan dapo rosak..!! I had been cooking for years, tah camne still bleh jadik mcm ni eheheh.. (3) bila gas abis, beli gas baru, bukan beli dapo baru..!

anyway ape pun glad that we already have a new dapo.. x pe la kan..

so introducing our new dapo..

the new mixer..

the free gift that we got from the shop.. eheheh CNY kan, limau mandarin + air kotak la..


Ina said...

Ahahaha klakaaa! Tp takpela dh ditakdirkan nk dpt dapur baru kan. Pasni lebih semangat la nak memasak especially baking2 ek. Oven tu pun besar bestnya! ;D Hehe biasala kiter org pompuan ni kdg2 masalah kecik leh jd besar. I pn dh byk kali mengalami situasi mcm ni tp bkn berkaitan dgn dapur la. Slalu marah2 dgn hubby smpi 1 hari dok tggu dia blk keje sbb I tot dia dh rosak kan sumthing ke apa ke so susahkan I xleh guna. Beriya2 la I membebel kt dia. Skali dia blk tak smpi 2 minit dh boleh guna tak psl2 I kena perli balik hehehe ;P

Anonymous said...

hahah tu la ina.. kita pompuan ni kadang2 kalut je lebih.. maleh nak pk pjg trus pk mendalah tu rosak.. pada hal kadang2 benda tu kecik punye hal je eheh.. sama la kiita ni ina.. aritu pun ms memula igt dapo tu rosak dok membebel kt hubby konon2 sume salah dia dapo tu rosak ehehehe.. tp skali skala ada la ter pk 'aisehhh kalau tau dapo tu x rosak sebena nye, beli hp lagi baik dr beli dapo br'.. tp tu la ina.. hp x leh buat baking mcm2 la kan ehehe..