Monday, February 25, 2008

TGIS (Thank God It's Saturday)

our weekend started with a good food with a good companion.. remember spec i asked u last about the good smorgasbord in jb..? well i found one tht we love already.. hyatt jb.. on friday n saturday nite, they hv a fantabulous bbq buffet dinner.. the price might be a little bit on the high side (RM50++ per head, plus the tax n service charge, for 5 adults kira la sendiri kan).. but the variety tht they have is definitely worth it (esp for ppl who lovessss to eat like us :D) the grilled variety includes salmon n dory fish, squid, lobster, sausages, otak2, beef n sekor lamb.. they also hv satay, lobster bisque, ghee rice n buttered rice n a few lauks, n many more.. i absolutely love their dessert.. beautifully decorated n taste so good..

before we went out.. we were out from the house 6:0 pm.. reached there around 7 pm..

the first dish tht ma had.. assortment of grilled items - lobster, beef, salmon n a pc of grilled squid..

nadrah n abg haziq. the long biscuit tht they had is so good.. crunchy.. (note to mak ngah n pak teh: the taste is like biskut azan.. cicah ngan air teh sodappp ni)

this is hasif's fav.. jelly with fruits.. the taste is good.. hasif managed to consume all the jelly in the glass..

waaa papa gigih menyudu nak kasik anak mkn ke sendirik nak mkn :P

oooooooooooo it's for the little prince..

mak long yg dah sarat (expected to deliver this coming april.. a couple more months to go), kak nadrah n pak long.. ehehe pak long nmpk cam x selera mkn je tu..

more lobster.. yummy..

abg haziq n umi (mak long's mother)

kak nadrah was pretending to be a spiderman.. hv a close look at her finger..

a walk outside to release pressure in the stomach.. eheheh too much eating already..

the lighting made it look like a scene in horror movie, when in fact the kids had a jolly good time ehehe..

one last pose before we head home, 10pm with a full stomach.. i personally think i gain another 1.5 kg on tht nite alone (those who know me must hv known better :D) but everyone went home happy.. (apsal la we took only a pc of the long biscuit each kan.. the taste is soooo good.. we were supposed to bring back a handful each :D)

(post note to mak ngah n pak teh n pak su: we will treat u guys here if u come down here in jb.. so meh la sini.. best ooo :D)


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

amboiiii dia...makan besorrrr..besnyaaaa..

bila nak belanja kitorang lak??

Anonymous said...

syok syok..betui la ki kan..bila nak belanja kami pulak? apa kata PD trip on you tiii??? ki setuju tak??? hikhikhik

Anonymous said...

ahaha org yg beso kena la mkn beso ;) blehhh ki meh la mai sini..

Anonymous said...

yeeee azni aku setuju sgt.. aku leh sponsor accommodation (satu bilik kita share 3 family la), kau tlg sponsor kan minyak ngan tol aku gi sana :D

Anonymous said...

kalau camtu aku pun ok la sponsor minyak and tol ko tapi satu keter ngan aku dari shah alam la ek..ko dtg sini park keter umah aku pastu squeeze naik keter kecik aku sefamily ko psl aku nak sgt sponsor minyak & tol ko..bernas bernas. Anyway ada any proposal ker bila nak gi PD ni? Kalau ki bz in march why don't we propose somewhere in april?

Anonymous said...

best kan kita gi pd.. aku cuti frozen la skang azni.. most probably smpi april.. tgh peak byk keje skang so satu dept x leh cuti.. padan muka kitorg ek ehehe.. dok tiara tu best gak kan.. kalau x mandi laut pun at least ada pool.. kena seriously consider ni..

Anonymous said...

aku mmg cuti freeze...sampai bila2 kot..eheheh. new proton model estimated to be out by next year march so dok up and down with the project la. and mud pun sama la since he is with Proton, handles the same load. that's why kalau aku nak gi PD ni mmg weekend jer la boleh..sat & sun. Pegi sat overnite and sunday balik kalau cuti freeze pun kira weekend boleh gak la all out..penat seket la ekk...anyway tak kisah la bila2 la yg korang rasa sumer ok bleh la throw one date. cuba2 la tanya org lain kalau2 interested. Intan ker...

Anonymous said...

ehh azni, bleh x kalau aku ckp aku x sure kau keje mana skang..? ehehe yg aku tau kau keje tpt kete je la.. bukan APM dah eh..? mud keje proton eh skang azni..? yg kat shah alam tu la kan..? iskkk rugi aku x gi second interview proton dulu.. kalau x leh jadik colleague mud :D btw mana tah intan.. bz kot.. sonyap je..

Anonymous said...

aku kejer tpt lain la...vendor gak. A'ah mud kat pr*t*n (takbleh bagi free ad) seksyen 26 tu la. ehehe sib baik ko takgi interview proton tuh kalau tak stuck cam kitorg..ahahah. a'ahh la apesal intan senyap jer? hopefully dia ok la ek...

spectacularwave said...

belanja me... ;) i crave fish and chips now