Monday, March 31, 2008

Meh Bukak Kedai Jajan..

ma took half day today in the afternoon.. the works are piling up in the office, but since the big bos is not around, i better took advantage of the situation.. besides papa is not working today.. biasa la monday..

so 12:30 pm, pa n hasif picked up ma in the office..

waa hasif u are so lucky to have ur own portable bed in the car.. during our time..? none available..

the purpose of the outing..? we want to buy some snacks, for hasif's upcoming birthday (as a birthday favour to bring to hasif's nursery n also during his small birthday party) n also for upcoming wedding of ma's niece.. first we hit the apollo factory in larkin.. next it is the wholesale shop in sg segget..

waa byk kan.. but it's still not enough.. we'll have to make another trip for some more items.. td dah x larat nak beli since the wholesale store is small n stuffy.. jadik pening pale..

i pray hard tht i manage to resist the evil temptation to consume all of the junk foods.. ppl who know me shall know that i really love this kind of junkies eheheh.. psl tu montel ;)

Another Weekend..

we already had bbq last week.. but papa said best la, we better hv bbq again.. so ok la.. but this time only the 3 of us.. no chicken this time.. only one big barramundi n some prawns..


after.. yg itam tu is only the scales .. the flesh remains juicy..

before.. jejari halus yg leka menganyam udang tu yelah jejari papa ehehe..


bila dah kenyang, duduk melenggang perut dulu.. 5pm, we went out.. this is hasif n papa before going out.. hasif tgh gosok gigi ke tu..???

yeayyyyyyyyyyyy.. sape nak cekelat..??

the mission of the outing..? papa want to give ma a present.. double yeaaaa... thanks heaps papa.. it's not my birthday but soooooooooooooooooo happy to get the gift + a little bonus.. ehehehe love u so much papa.. mama n hasif doa kan papa bertambah2 murah rezeki di masa depan.. Aminnn..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thanks God It's Sunday..

another weekend is here.. our initial plan is to just stay put at home on sunday.. we already did our shopping n jalan2 on saturday night.. so sunday, after big breakfast at McD (we had the big breakfast set, hasif had the half bar of small cadbury), we thought we were going to skip lunch.. but then pak long called n said tht they will be going to the tesco near our house.. then papa suggested that we had bbq.. yummy.. papa bought 2 ekor ayam.. pak long bought some prawns n a big barramundi.. ma quickly marinated everything..

the barramundi..

the prawns..

this is my all time favourite.. ayammmmm.. nyummmmm...

while waiting for papa to grill everything, this kids hv better things to do.. well pls excuse our messy house.. eheh..
pak long n family left around 4:30.. at 5pm, the works are calling ma loud n clear.. it's time to hit the keyboard again *deep sigh*

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Mana mama niii,..? (tanya hasif)

lama dah blog ni x berupdate.. i know i did not do justice to ur blog, hasif.. hasif now already 11 months' old.. i missed his 10 and 11 months' update on his milestone progress *deep sigh, full of regret* works are piling up in the office.. the highest workload tht i ever had since i started working in tht dept.. since i can't stay until late in the office, maka mama kena la bwk blk homework.. can only start working at night after hasif fall asleep.. whc left me burning the midnight oil trying to do something tht seems like x siap2 pun.. tp kalau x bwk blk i'm the one who will hv headache in the office the next day.. this morning we woke up at 6:45am as i did not notice the sound of the alarm clock.. normally mama woke up 5:40am to prepare everything.. but last night i slept quite late trying to finish my work.. so pagi ni sume kesiangan.. lucky tht papa terjaga at 6:45am n found out tht it's already bright outside..

a brief update on hasif..

- the little munchkin is now 11+ months..
- loves music.. become sooo excited n clap his hand when he hears music or ppl singing..
- can cruising now..
- at the moment, we refrain him from eating potato as potatoes can cause constipation to hasif..
- dah pandai n sgt suka cabut smart card astro, much to our dismay.. grrrr..
- Alhamdulillah, Mama still nurse hasif.. n still bring bekal breast milk going to nursery..
- loves chocolate.. the best way to stop him from being too active in the car during a long trip blk kampung is to feed him something, esp chocolate..
- still eat the same old porridge daily.. plus fish or chicken meat..
- dah pandai bukak n 'kemas kan' peti ais..
- loves to bath.. will bite when u take him out of the bathroom as he loves to play with the water..

A Day in Bahau..

the following photos were taken when we went back to ma's hometown 2 weekends ago..

this little guy was already sleepy but still want to play.. see the eyes.. he can barely open his eyes but still wants to play..
haiyaaaaa.. try to bite the handle of the paper bag..

this is our room in bahau..
finally, he's asleep.. .. in bahau, we prefer not to sleep on the bed as hasif now is very active even when he's asleep.. so he normally end up kicking papa out of the bed ehehe..

Hasif First Vomit..

it happened last thursday, 20 march 2008.. papa went back slightly late.. as usual every thursday, papa has a meeting at 5+pm.. so normally thursday papa will reach home slightly late.. but last thursday, the traffic is soooooooooo bad in the causeway. papa only managed to reach home close to 11pm, though papa left the office 7:30pm..

hasif vomit for the first time tht night.. okay, he had his share of vomit before, but only muntah susu.. this is the first time tht the vomit tht he had contains particles of food.. okay i know it sounds gross, but we want to write this down for our own record.. so tht when u grow up hasif, u can hv a look at these :D

it was 9+pm.. mama wanted to bring hasif up.. bed time already.. then suddenly hasif vommitted.. a lot.. twice.. during the ordeal, hasif just kept silent, he was not crying or even made a sound.. maybe he's shock also experiencing this..

lokasi kejadian..

closer view.. contains particles from his dinner apricot+raisin wheatbread (n ma's dinner also - chicken bits n chocolate indulgence cake - ni kes tumpang org mkn la ni..)..

pandai hasif aim muntah masuk betul2 dlm kasut mama..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Si Budak Belang..

i have a good feeling with hasif's teacher.. she's caring n loving, up to our standards and expectations..

she sometimes call me at night.. if hasif was sleepy when i picked him up from the nursery, she'll call to ask if hasif had already fall asleep.. or call to give advise on things that she noticed during the day, like hasif's favourite playtime avtivity, or to give suggestion on things tht she feels like hasif will love to do..

even during weekends, she will sometimes call, just to ask how hasif is doing.. i really think that it is soooo sweet for her to do that.. it shows that she was thinking of hasif, even during weekend.. hasif's previous teacher, teacher siti never call me to ask anything..

teacher letchumi rarely call me in the office, unless hasif is not feeling well or there's something strange in his behaviour, i.e. if he cries a lot, refuse to eat etc.. but this morning, she called me to ask something, n let hasif 'talk' to me afterwards.. even though hasif's talking sounds like french eheheh.. i really think that it's mighty nice of her to let hasif talk to me for quite a long time using her phone.. ma pulak yg risau kalau credit prepaid teacher tu abis eheh.. anyway we are glad that hasif bond well with his teacher, though he is not that close with his other teacher, teacher aida..

we have no picture yet of hasif n teacher letchumi.. one day we must take their photos together for our own keepsake.. so hasif, when u are big enough to read this, u will know how the teacher looks like ehehe.. at that time i'm sure teacher letchumi is no longer hasif's teacher (she's in charge of active toddler's program - from birth until 2 years old only)..

well our budak belang does remind me of our cute bedsheet ehehehe..

Sunday, March 2, 2008


i tried a good meal the other night.. thanks heaps to Umi D for her marvelous n easy-to-prepare recipe.. the recipe had been in my possession for months already, but only decided to prepare it now.. the ingredients are fairly simple, angel hair spagetti, prawns, grated parmesan cheese, egg, capsicum and a bit of flour..

the meal has no name, so we decided to call it cheesy prawn spagetti.. it turns out great, but next time we decided to add more cheese for extra umphh and extra dash of fat ehehe..

i pair it with grilled chicken..
thanks ki for the wonderful recipe of cheesy prawn spagetti.. we love it..! but hasif has no opportunity to try it as he already sleep when we had dinner (around 9pm)..

Yummy in My Tummy..

i had a different porridge today.. ma added a local meat tht ma had meticulously grated..

this is how my porridge looks like.. grated meat + grated potato + grated carrot.. auntie azni said my skin might be a litttle reddish if i take a lot of carrot (because of the beta kerotene in the carrot - this is according to kak irsa's paed in damansara specialist).. well i guess it does not hurt to hv a skin with a tinge of red right.. hey i might end up looking a bit like mat salleh :D

ok.. let's try it now..

the verdict..? well i looooooove it.. it's soooo good (even pa loves it.. n ma smbil suap hasif, sambil suap diri sendiri :D)

now tht i had an extra boost of protein, zinc and iron, i can continue with my routine.. cruising while helping pa cleaning the house.. tried my hardest to get the picture frame n the bottles of perfumes..

ma said the pic is kind of blur cause i moved to much.. but tell me dear ma, how can i grab the lovely bottle of perfume if i stop moving..?