Monday, January 21, 2008

Balik Kampung Part I..

we went back to ma's hometown more than a week ago (pak teh, the actual and complete version of the blk kg trip will be revealed later.. stay tuned ok :D.. ma ckp kena kasik suspense skit dulu :P).. one of the activities was to catch fish in Empang Bangkong-or-whatever-name-that-is-i'm-not-so-sure dam.. the participants of the interesting activities were pak su, pak ngah n pak long.. i wanted to join but papa said a big NO cause i was not feeling well.. so x pe la.. maybe i'll just join uwan to the market beli ikan :P
the catch..? not so much though they went with pak ngah's lori kecik.. only 4 fishes.. but one of the fish was this one..
kitorg x de lak besen yg lagi besa utk ltk ikan ni..

uwan tgh bertungkus lumus siang ikan misteri ni.. ehehe.. pa said the weight is close to 5kg.. besa oo pak teh bleh buat kenduri ni.. ehehe.. so a pat in the shoulder to pak ngah for his interesting catch.. bravo..