Monday, January 21, 2008

New Passport..

ma took half day leave this afternoon.. off we went to the immigration office in Pekan Rabu.. the reason..? to make a new passport for me and mama.. thank u so much papa sbb belanja kitorg passport ehehe.. muahhhhhhhhhhhhh papa byk2..

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... skang hasif dah bleh ikut papa gi keje :D


spectacularwave said...

wah, dah boleh ke Sentosa Island lah Hasif untuk berfoya-foya, ek? *wink*

Anonymous said...

eheheheh tu la antara main agenda nye spec ehehe.. leh g underwater world.. but first jom g ikea s'pore ehehe..

Anonymous said...

heyyyy cute nye hasif, mcm chinese boy lak aku tgk dlm passport tu, paste la gamba passport dia tu, sng aku nak usya :D