Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Meal :)

yesterday was public holiday in malaysia (unfortunately it's not the same with singapore.. so papa has to work :D).. while hasif was having his nap in the morning, ma chat with a dear friend, effa who will soon give borth (EDD is middle next month.. i'm excited for u :) )

she asked me to show how i prepare meals for hasif as she's afraid tht she will not get it right for her baby when the time comes.. well effa cheer up.. i hv a good news.. u don't hv to be a rocket scientist to prepare a nutritious meals for ur loved ones :D

ma normally prepared hasif's porridge in the morning - for 3 servings.. sometimes tuka la mkn nestum ke rusk ke alih2 selera kan.. hasif's fav is porridge with spinach n carrot.. or even better, add some potato.. but i normally go slow with the potato as it is believed tht potato may cause constipation for small baby..

ok 1st bring the brown rice to boil before reducing the heat.. when the brown rice is almost cooked (beras tu dah kembang setaman), add in some carrot..

after the carrot is soft n only little water left, add in broccoli..

then finally add in spinach..

after 5 seconds, turn off the heat..

though hasif already have teeth, we still blend his porridge.. ehehe psl dah terbiasa kot.. so the end result..

it's not that difficult to please the prince :D


Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

nmpk sedap plak...selalu bubur Dayana tak teringin den haaa...lapar kot ptg2 jumaat nih hehe...

Anonymous said...

eheheh tu la tu.. tgk dlm gamba mmg cam sodap.. tp ati dah try rs.. eeeeeeeeeeeee pahit la pulok.. wonder camne la bebudak kecik ni bleh mkn kan eheh..

Anonymous said...

tapi kan azni selalu jer share food dgn irsa zaman2 dia baby dulu..especially poridge with bayam...suka la..sedap jugak...tambah lak kalau letak sekali ngan fish fillet..ikan tenggiri ker...sedap. kdg2 kalau ber-2 jer ngan irsa masak satu food jer utk mak n anak..ahahah dasar pemalas!

Anonymous said...

eheheh sodap ke azni.. nanti aku try lagi mkn ngan intensif.. ni yg payah kalau mak nye x mkn sayo.. kalau x, leh la reduce time nak masak bagai kalau sume mkn porridge eheh.. azni, irsa dulu start mkn ikan umo bape..? aku ada gak kasik hasif mkn ikan skali skala, tp x la masuk dlm daily menu dia.. doc soh careful skit pilih mknn utk hasif sbb hasif sng dpt rashes kalau aku silap mkn.. tu yg aku x berani nak introduce ikan ari2.. tp mesti sodap kan mkn porridge ltk ikan.. yummy.. eheh terigt lak aku bubur nasik yg kak ena slalu buat dulu eheh.. kita mkn cam ikan piranha :D

Anonymous said...

seingat aku not that earlier aku bagi irsa ikan..dekat2 nak one year jugak...irsa ni mmg diagnose eczema so food dia lagi la byk restiction. Tapi paed dia cakap bukan forever takbleh bagi restricted food tuh tapi boleh try from time to time and see how her skin and wheezingness response to the food. Follows antara food2 yg kalau boleh diavoid:
1. seafood (mmg aku tak pernah bagi..pernah skali tuh kat umah kak sri dia buat popia ada crab stick aku bantai la bagi irsa dan dia enjoy giler makan...biasalah bila dah jadi stick aku lupa itu seafood..abih dlm masa 10 minutes terus mata dia bengkak and rashes berkeping2 naik kat folded area. that is the least time irsa 'termakan' seafood pastu tak berani langsung...
2. chocolate or any product contain chocolate (eheheh kadang2 bagi gak..tumpang2 aku makan la..kesian)
3. low fat product
4. half boiled egg (mmg takde lam menu dia..)
5. and of course peanuts...

And the list keep on going kalau nak consider advise from one paed form D'sara Specialist (ni pun one of my panel..bila aku boring ngan paed kat S'Alam Specialist aku pg D'sara utk dapat 2nd opinion):
1. He's not believe in modern food macam Gerber (in any form-liquid ke cereal ke), all kind/brand of cereal, anchovies (ini dia mmg banned for babies & kids), instant food, chocolate ect....
ehehe banyaknya takbleh makan..kesian kan kat aku rasa kalau aku jumpa lagi 2 3 paed lagi bertambah la list what is left..aku nak keluar jumpa client..nanti aku smabung lagi bab2 food nih..eheheh

Anonymous said...

ooo tq.. tq azni.. irsa eczema gak ke..? aku igt kot dah above 1 year old dah x sgt.. aku suspect hasif ada eczema gak.. tp bila chk doc, dia kata x.. tp skang mmg dah kurang skit la bila dia dah besa skit.. dulu below 6 months old, aku mkn lain mcm skit esp seafood nanti, muka dia mesti naik merah2.. skang dah kurang tp kadang2 jadik gak.. kata doc psl menda lain.. tp biasa la, aku ni bukan caya sgt doc (eheheheeh ayat riak je bunyik.. mcm la terer sgt eheheh)..

skang pun irsa x leh mkn seafood ke azni..? aku x penah try ksk hasif seafood psl dia pun br 9 bulan lebih.. tp kalau aku mkn certain type of seafood mmg hasif jadik gatal2 muka dia.. skang dah better la tp sotong rendam tu aku mmg x leh mkn, sotong fresh ok lg.. sabtu lps aku bantai g mkn nasik lemak sambal sotong rendam.. terlupa sebena nye.. mlm tu hasif start naik merah2 muka.. psl dia breastfeeding lg.. isk sian dia.. tu br aku mkn, kalau bagi directly lagi la teruk agak nye ek..

cekelat pun x leh eh.. aku kasik gak hasif cekelat kadang2.. tp dia mmg suka cekelat.. kalau tgh melasak tu, aku ksk cekelat mesti dia diam.. tp aku x perasan lak bila aku ksk cekelat tu muka hasif jadik merah2 x.. nanti aku check tgk, bagi cekelat pastu monitor for 2,3 days ek tgk kalau2 jadik ape2..

ehh azni.. aku nak tanya, kau buat porridge ikan tu ltk ape eh..? aku pg td try la buat porridge ltk isik ikan tenggiri for hasif.. x la byk sgt aku ltk ikan tu.. dlm quarter je kot dr sepotong ikan tu, ni utk 3 kali mkn arini.. aku ltk carrot je.. slalu kau ltk lengkuas or bawang bagai x azni..?