Monday, January 21, 2008

Yeaaaaaaa......... Naik Kuda..

these photos were taken during our visit to bahau during last christmas.. the photos were taken 6 hours before hasif had his hair cut..

abg adha, abg haziq, kak nadrah n pak ngah..


Ina said...

Mama Hasif nnt letak la video Hasif banyak2 plak. Tak puas la tgk gambar Hasif aje. Hehehe banyak songeh lak Auntie Ina ni ekkk ;P

Anonymous said...

hehehe tul la ina.. lama dah kan x ltk video hasif.. utk our own record gak tu.. eheheh will let our videographer cum technician (i.e. papa hasif) work on that one :D