Monday, January 21, 2008

Milestone Progress - 9 Months Old..!!

woohoooooooooo.. hasif dah 9 months old a week ago.. tp mama buat2 bz so the update on the progress was slightly late.. we even missed the 8 months old progress report.. mmmm..

so at 9 months old hasif:

- attempt to stand without support, though still wobbly.. he's so happy when we hold his hand and encourage him to walk while saying 'tak tihhh'.. will senyum lebar smpi nmpk sume gigi once we do that..

- can clap hand and wave bye2 while saying tatataatatatataat.. ehehe mama ajar ckp babai is tata (ma learnt that from atuk and uwan ehehe).. actually hasif can do this a week before he turns 8 months old..

- has 6 teeth.. 4 on upper gum n 2 on lower gum.. all of this teeth shows up within a week after the first appearance, which around 2 months ago.. so now he's mastering the art of biting.. during our long trip blk kg last time, tgn mama dah mcm kena dera.. biru sana sini kena gigit kat hasif..

- has develop a sense of ownership.. if he's fully occupied with something, don't dare to take it away from him.. he will either bite u or scream to his heart's content or use his special weapon (menyembur air liur dgn penuh perasaan)..

- had three meals a day or more.. his fav is bubur nasik with carrot n spinach.. ohh and also chocolate.. he will grin ear-to-ear if we give him chocolate.. tp x bleh la slalu sgt.. hasif basically is not so choosy in food selection.. dia nak mkn sume yg org lain mkn.. when we blk kg last time, he tried a new variety of foods.. kuih mentalam (he love this one, consume 2 big pieces..), bubur nasik s*****, tauhu, fish soup, cekodok pisang, cucur udang n many more..

- had officially entered Separation Anxiety Phase when we balik kampung more than a week ago.. so basically now he prefers mama more than anything else on the planet.. ehehehe.. he still wants papa, luckily, but if possible he wants to always attach to ma's body.. x bleh org lain pegang nanti dia jerit.. during our long trip balik kg last time, only pak ngah managed to win his heart because pak ngah likes to show him cicak.. pak long ada skit funny experience with crying hasif ahahahahaa.. sian pak long.. he's searching high and low for ma when we were in s*****, thought ma n mak ngah went to the cafe, when infact we were in the nearby shop.. at that time has was crying out loud, trying so hard to free himself from pak long's dukungan.. pak long had to practically run in order to find ma fast (ma did not bring handphone at that time).. hasif, pak long ckp org keliling tgk pak long mcm pak long try nak kidnap hasif psl hasif tgh meraung n pak long lak jln laju2.. ehehehe..

- looks more n more like mama eheheh.. uwan said his face is a carbon copy of ma's face when i was his age..


Sultana said...

A'kum, baby hasif pun comel banget lah.... baru 9 bulan pulak tuh.. for me best age. :) Anak lelaki memang selalu ikut mak. Sejuk gitu... eh mama hasif Johor kat mana? Rindunya aku....

Anonymous said...

w'salam.. ehehehe best age la kot psl tgh sedap ajak main.. lasak tp still manageable psl blom pandai jln ehehe.. kalau x, tak menang kaki tgn la jwb nye nak mengejar eheh.. kira ok la kot.. thankful n cherish every single moment that we have :)

johor kat masai.. keje kat pasir gudang tp dok kat bandar seri alam.. u r from johor right..? whc area if u don't mind me asking..?

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

comeinyaaaa mama hasif...mcm zmn anak da'aaa lg...kan bes kalau Dayana iras Umi dia..:( baru lg kuat sense of "ownership" tuh

Anonymous said...

ehehe belakon je tu ki.. psl tu ltk gamba yg x clr sgt nmpk muka den ni ahahaha..

tp kan so far dayana x la kuat sgt kan muka sesapa..ada muka ki skit n muka azli skit.. kira oret la tu :D