Saturday, January 26, 2008


Not so long ago, Hasif's right eyes had swollen.. in the bottom of the right eyes.. it had occured before.. we thought it was because hasif loves to rub his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt.. early this month, it happens again.. so on 6 jan. we brought him to the paed.. his normal paed when he's unwell is Dr K***d** in Johor Specialist.. but we had decided tht we had enough of this doc.. we felt like his check up is not thorough.. in addition to tht, the fact that his no of waiting patients at his clinic is not so encouraging make us wonder.. even on sunday morning, sometimes we are the only patient waiting..

see his right eyes in the picture above. it is red and swollen..

so we now change to puteri specialist, also in jb, the doc is dr katherine tham.. so on 6 jan, sunday morning we marched there to check for hasif's swollen eyes.. we reached the hospital around 10am, much to our dismay.. camne x lambat, we had breakfast first at home.. mkn nasik pagi2 tu mcm org2 tua eheheh.. lauk sup tulang that ma prepared the day before.. the q in the clinic is sooooooooooo long.. punye la ramai org.. we felt good nonetheless when we see the number of people waiting.. at least lagi ramai dr the one in dr k***d**'s clinic..

hasif tgh tgu dgn papa kat luar clinic..

a peek at the busy clinic..

after waiting for exactly one hour, hasif's name was called, thank goodness.. dr katherine is an efficient doctor.. we saw her for barely 10 mins but it had been fruitful.. she checked hasif's nose n she told us tht dlm hidung hasif skit bengkak.. meaning to say tht he had allergy.. most probably not due to food, but because of environment.. tht's why his eyes was swollen since the block in the nostril had caused the tear duct to block also.. now we know.. all these while we thought that the swollen was caused by hasif's own behavior, i.e rubbing the face n the eyes.. sian hasif.. lucky tht we brought him to meet the doctor.. all other symptoms tht the doctor mentioned, such as wheezing also was true.. during tht visit, hasif also got his pneumococcal jab.. this is one expensive jab, rm300/jab.. 3 jabs are required for babies below 1 year old n each jab must be repeated every 6 weeks..

during our long trip balik kg last time, hasif had a slight fever.. we had been to the pasar malam the night before they felt sick.. while we were in the pasar malam, it suddenly rains.. we had no umbrella n ma covered hasif's head with plastic (ehehe mintak plastik kat kedai jual mee grg) n mak ngah covered uzma's head with a handkerchief.. but kaum2 ibu ni still gigih nak shopping brg mknn kat pasar mlm (i.e. mama hasif, mak ngah n uwan) before rushing back home.. the day after, all the three kids were sick.. hasif, his cousin uzma (pity her.. she's only 3months'+) and abg adha.. lucky tht hasif's fever was only for a while, but it took uzma a few days to recover since she's still a small baby n cannot take much medication..

hasif tgh meragam masa demam.. masa ni kat still kat kg..

kesian baby uzma..