Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Superman in the Making..

Hasif fell off the bed this morning!! It was around 6:30am.. papa hasif was in the bathroom at tht time.. after getting ready, i checked on hasif.. good.. he's still asleep.. so i thought i'm going downstairs to put some fish in hasif's porridge yg tgh tertenggek ats dapur.. suddenly i heard hasif's voice.. ekkkkkk ekkkkkkkk... he normally made that sound when he woke up.. like a cry but not a cry.. some sort of warning or announcement 'tht the prince had woken up, better get me fast before i start screaming'.. normally after waking up in the morning, he will just sit still while making those sound until somebody pick him up.. then before i was able to wash my hand, i heard a loud thump, followed by a loud wail.. i quickly washed my hand n pratically run upstairs to our bedroom.. i thought i never run so fast in my entire life.. i found papa hasif had gone out of the bathroom, all wet n holding hasif who's still crying out loud.. i took hasif n tried to sooth him.. brought him for a walk n tried to coo him.. luckily he stop crying less than 5 mins after that.. n start to laugh again..

phewwwwwwww berderau darah.. x pernah rasa takut mcm tu bila dgr hasif jatuh.. we noticed that there's no swelling, so we can continue with our daily routine i.e. head to office.. i surf the net and discover the following piece of advise.. "You should worry if the baby falls from a height of equal or greater than his height. And if he fell on the side of his head instead of the back and the fronts, because there are greater risk if he fell on his sides. But you should not be complacent and watch out for these signs
  • Convulsions
  • Prolong drowsiness (though 2~3 hours are normal)
  • Prolong dizziness
  • Vomiting more than twice
  • Refused milk or eating
  • Fainting"
so far no sign of the above yet.. but we will continue to monitor him closely.. papa called the nursery during lunch hour today, teacher letchumi said that hasif is his usual self.. playing n eating like normal.. hope nothing bad will happen.. hasif.. please... pleaseeeeeee... no more this kind of stunt in the future ok.. pls wait for us to pick u up in the morning ok sayang..


Anonymous said...

kesiannya hasif....mesti horror kan...hopefully he's ok la...insyaAllah takde apa2 yea hasif..you r a strong baby oopss should auntie call you amarture superman..
first time irsa jatuh masa dia baout hasiff's age jugak...dah la kat hospital masa tuh.. irsa nangis tapi aku rasa aku meraung lagi kuat dari dia sampai nurse datang...terus panggil paed. check mata, kepala ntah pakai alat ape ntah then he said ok..emmm baru aku berhenti nangis...padahal irsa dah lama dah stop crying..:)) itu la first time irsa jatuh. Tapi skang nih bila dah pandai jalan nih ada la 2 3 kali jatuh tapi aku dah tak baper panic..eheheh tp tgk gak la cemana cara jatuhnya tu...
anyway hope hasif tak apa2 la ek..kiss kiss

Anonymous said...

hasif kata tq.. tq.. auntie kiss trus ilang merah bekas jatuh eheh.. tp kalau irsa yg kiss lg cpt baik :P

oo kebetulan lak eh irsa jatuh kat spital.. sng la trus check je kan.. aku x bwk lak hasif g clinic ke ape nak chk.. igt nak monitor sendiri je dulu.. tp better chk je kan nak confirm betul2 ok.. ehehe aku x la nangis ms hasif nangis smlm tp lutut ni mmg dah mcm jelly la dia nye menggigil.. pastu nak turun tangga kena pass hasif kat hubby psl lutut aku still rs goyang ehehe..

Anonymous said...

azni.. ko pn dh ada in the loop.. best nie..

just nk share masa 1st time akif jatuh umur dia dlm 10 bln. mula2 tu cam oklah. then next weekend dia start demam. mula2 ingat demam t'kejut. gi clinic dr kata xde apa cos masa dia jatuh tu dia nangis n xde muntah. next day nya xpuas hati aku gi hospital cos akif xnk mkn/ minum sumer n drooling je. merengek xhenti2. end up kena admit. amik darah n kena drip. dr kata suspect dia hfmd cos lidah putih and ada byk ulcer kat tekak n tangan n kaki ada rashes sket. advise bagi mkn ice cream. ptg tu tgk dia dh nk mkn sket2 n dh blh discharge.

aku pn xtau apa relatednya hfmd ngan jatuh tp just monitorlah for few days. hopefully xde apa2lah.

skang nie dia nk belajar jalan. aku pn xt'kira dh berapa kali dia jatuh. asalkan dia jatuh tu xde muntah n demam n nk mkn should be oklah.

Anonymous said...

akif dulu jatuh katil gak ke tan..? ke jatuh dr kerusi..? tinggi tak..? aku ni horror gak ni dibuat nye.. mana la tau kan kot2 ape2 psl kecik2 ni kan kepala tu lembut lagi.. dah la hasif sejak aku cuti pjg smpi seminggu awal bulan dulu, dia dah kureng skit minum susu pki botol ni.. nak nenen je dah mama dia keje nak buat camno lak kan..

oo akif tgh belajar berjln kan.. lg la byk jatuh tu kan.. lagi la hati mak bapak byk risau eheh.. aku jumpa ni ms surf smlm..

"When baby starts movin’, baby starts bruisin’. That’s the general rule anyway, especially when baby starts cruising. When baby is cruising, walking short distances from object to object, he falls often. In fact, the average cruising toddler falls 38 times a day. If you and I fell 38 times a day, imagine the number of bruises we would have.
The good news is, their height and flexibility make short falls relatively harmless. Even a tumble down the stairs is usually less harmful than when an adult takes a fall down the stairs."

-Courtesy of www.smartmomma.com

lohh akif penah kena hfmd ke..? x series agak nye kot eh.. tu yg doc kasik discharge cpt tu.. x pun akif x kena hfmd pun, tp doc just suspect..? anyway pe symptom hfmd lg tan..?

Anonymous said...

waaa best best...dah jadi forum mak2 budak nih.. syok per bleh share kan experience org. Betul la intan..citer la sket psl hfmd tuh..apa symptom2 nya. ko tahu la irsa nih dah le frequent admitted. tp alhamdulillah makin ok...runny nose pun jarang2 walaupun dia dok nursery. inhaler pun dah stop since noember last year. dulu aku selalu rasa guilty kalau dia sakit psl org keep on cakap kat aku irsa selalu sakit psl dia duduk nursery tapi aku takde choice. kalau bleh aku pun nak dok umah je jaga dia full time tapi financial tak mengizinkan. so terpaksa telan je apa2 yg org cakap. people can give opinion tapi byk yg aku letak tepi jer psl kalau aku nak cosnider kata2 org mmg aku rasa akula mak yg paling worst kat dunia nih. just imagine last year 4 kali irsa admitted..macam2 org cakap aku tapi aku tak kisah. Psl aku and mud yg tanggung benda nih. Takde sapa yg tolong so aku dah used to angkat irsa ke hospital malam2...ulang alik umah hospital sehari 5 6 kali dan kadang2 benda2 ni aku went thru sorg2 bila mud out from town. Kitorg handle jer up and down masa dia sakit..dan tak mintak tolong sapa2 pun. Tapi aku rasa the experience tuh is very valuable. skang aku rasa aku bleh dah nak buat 2nd degree in medicine ahahah..byk budak2 punya medication, treatment, method, procedure yg aku dah hafal..eheheh. setkat nama2 ubat and antibiotic tuh kat hujung jari jer la..ahahah. kdg2 aku rasa org yg anak sepuluh pun tapi tak going thru akunyer experience nih sure takbleh handle kalau anak dorg sakit compare ngan aku yg anak sorg nih...emmm takpela aku tgk benda nih from positive point of view..aku tanak rasa bersalah psl cuba la korg pikir psl sakit2 nih..aku ke yg mintak?? parents mana yg tanak anak dia sihat memanjang. Tp paed irsa cakap it is normal for babies and children to fall sick 7-8 times a year..so as long as the frequency falls between this range ok la kot eh...:) waaa byk dah membebel nih..biaslaah aku kalau dapat bercakap..oppss menulis...

Anonymous said...

uhuhuhu byk kali nye irsa admitted.. aku ada dgr dia admitted, tp x sangka smpi 4x.. glad to hear that dia makin ok.. dah makin besa, antibodi bdn makin ok, so hopefully lps ni kurang la skit kau berumahtangga kat spital tu ek azni :D

most of the time, irsa admitted psl ape azni..? demam eh..? aku ni bila hasif dmm skit n batuk2 tu aku dah kelam kabut rs risau, kalau smpi masuk spital tu x tau la camne aku agak nye.. tp at least kau blaja byk kan psl bebudak ni.. ehehe pasni kalau irsa nak adik takat 5,6 org tu no prob la kau ngan mud nak handle kan ;) nak bukak nursery pun dah pass ni.. :D

tp kan azni tul la kau ckp.. mak mana yg x nak dok umah jaga anak.. tgk bebudak ni besa depan mata sendiri.. tp kita keja ni utk depa gak.. so buat bodo je la ape org ckp tu kan azni.. anta nursery ni pun igt murah ke kan..

Anonymous said...

dh mcm forum mak2 lak nie. tp bestlah. dh lama x catch-up camnie...

hfmd nie symptom2 dia cam rashes kat tangan, kaki, then dlm mulut tu ada ulcer. bkn sket2 tp byk. masa akif dulu dia start ngan demam. msk 2nd day xnk feeding either solid food or milk. pastu drooling je x henti. mulut tu asyik nk nganga je cos nk telan air liur pn dia sakit. merengek jgn citerlah. even tgh tido pn dia merengek. maybe psl lapar or sakit mulut kot. pastu lidah dia putih je.

masa kt hospital tu dr stop sumer antibiotic. just bagi gel n drip je masa tu. minum susu pn b'cinta nk bg. since dia xnk mkn dr soh bg mkn ice cream cos benda tu sejuk senang nk telan n byk calory. cover blk 2-3 ari dia xnk mkn tu. nasib bila buat blood test tu xsign of dehydration yet.

so far akif br 2x admit kat hospital. sekali masa kena hfmd sekali tu early this year. start demam, drooling n xnk mkn. ingtkan kena lagi. tp bila chk dr kata tekak dia bengkak n luka. tp 2 mlm lah gak aku b'kg kat hospital. br awal thn cuti aku dh 1/3 abis.

semlm akif br je nk jln few steps w/out aid. 1 hall umah baby sitter tu dia tunjuk skill. skang nie gian nk jln je. so lps nie blh concentrate on his speech development lak.

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

weeeiiii korang2...bes je forum nih...ternganga2 den membaca smpai opismate kat sblh pun tegur hahaha...

dun wori lah kwn2... a mother always knows best for her child (tah betul ke quote den nih :D)...apa org kata, apa kita decide, apa anak kita buat suma kita yg lagi tahu...kita ada hak...

eh btw, mcm tak kena lak comment ki nih ekk :D in other words, nak join sekali bleh???

Anonymous said...

kak inazz syok syok....jom la story2...

ti bukan ko sorang la yg susah hati kalau anak start x sihat. Aku kalau irsa start je demam dah jadi kelam kabut..phobia pun yea. Nak kena pikir lagi kejer kat opis kalau aku cuti boss aku ok ker..tambah lak for last 6 months last year mud ada la sekali 2 tukar kejer so dgn cutinya tak entitle so mmg aku sorg la yg kena handle kalau irsa tak sihat. Kadang2 ada hari yg aku terpaksa hantar gak dia pegi nursery kalau dia demam esp kalau ada meeting yg x dpt dielakkan. pas abih mtg terkejar2 aku balik ambik dia psl nak kurangkan rasa bersalah tuh. Masa irsa asyik kuar masuk h'pital tuh mmg aku pernah terpikir nak resign tp bila pikir panjang mmm that is not the best choice.

irsa nih kan eczema..so dia punya skin and saluran pernafasan dia very sensitive kalau ada factor yg trigger. Kalau tak wheezing kena kat kulit...so yg 4 kali dia admitted tuh, sekali psl AGE (diarrhea), lagi 2 kali psl acute broncholitis yg sekali lagi psl broncho pneumonia. Tapi alhamdulillah since then she's getting much much better. Dr pun cakap by age budak2 akan makin ok antibodi dah kuat....tp aku mmg phobia kalau dia start demam ker, runny nose ker psl mender2 nih bleh trigger broncholitis dia...dalm 3 minggu lepas nyaris2 gak admit lagi psl dia demam bila buat blood test, white blood cell count tak normal...tp bila aku call paed dia utk dpt 2nd opinion he say no need..lega aku! Admit and berkg kat h'pital tuh tak kisah rasa cam dok hotel jer..ahahah dgn mak dia skeali boleh rest tapi bab2 nak cucuk2 drip and paling tak tahan tuh kalau cucuk antibiotik. setiap kali nak cucuk antibiotik aku pun nagis sama bila irsa nangis...

intan..syok la hfmd boleh makan ais krim. Sib baik akif nak makan tp budak2 mesti suka ek ais krim. aku tak pernah bagi irsa makan ais krim lagi sampai ari nih...eheheh. padahal ais krim tuh tak termasuk dlm prohibited food dia cuma dr cakap kena careful psl dia ada history broncholitis so kdg2 food2 mcm nih bole trigger gak. Padahal kalau ikut dr org selsema batuk pun boleh makan ais krim...tp macam kak inaz cakap la mothers know best for their children and azni pulak kata mother is always the best doctor..ehehehe so ikut suka azni la kan nak bagi irsa food apa...:)

kak inaz..dayana dah pandai apa dah la nih?? sampai besag dah tak jumpa2 lagi in person. Akif jer azni dah tgk 2 kali..skali masa baby skali masa raya ari tuh...

akif dah bleh jalan dah pasni ajak la umi jalan sampai umah auntie..pastu kita ramai2 jln pulak pi umah auntie yati and auntie inaz...eheheh

wei kawan2..apa kata bila2 weekend ker jom la kita pi outing sama2...kalau nak pi overnight pun boleh. pi la tpt dekat2..PD pun oraitt per..kalau tak pun theme park mana2 ker...syok kan. Boleh ajak the rest..what say you all??

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

ha kan azni..cam bes cadangan tuh...tp selalunya lah kan benda2 yg plan nih mesti tak jadi pnyerr!!!baik jgn plan :D...

ha tu la azni kot nak mai rmh ki ke...dayana skjp je rasa dah nak sethn...dok berkira2 bila nak projek "adik" lak hahaha ...

dayana dah buleh apa ek??dah buleh babai, pastu tnjk mana umi, ayah dia ngan dia2 sekali...dah pndai trn katil the correct way (tah mana dia bljr, terer tul bdk2 nih)..mostly yg skills bdk her age ptt master tu dia dah ok lah...itu je yg ki selalu dok monitor pun..u know, smpai arini pun deep down still ada doubt whether anak kita tu on track or not :D normal kot eh as a mom nih???

Intan Safinaz Syed Kassim said...

lupo nak jomput azni join blog dayana...hehe tumpang eh t...buat promo kat sini :D


tp kita maintain forum kat blog nih lah..meriah skit...:D buleh tttt???

Anonymous said...

waaaa meriah nye.. best.. best..

eheh syok nye la kan kalau kita dpt jenjln reramai.. pegi yg dkt2 cam pd pun ok gak.. best pun best.. leh anak2 kita bersosial gitu ehehe..

waaa dayana dah pandai tunjuk2 org eh.. best kan.. x sabar nak tunggu dia berjln.. bulan 3 ke bulan 5 tah (lupo lak bila), x-housemate hubby kawen kat shah alam.. insya Allah la kot kitorg pegi ms tu psl member ni masa kitorg kawen dia dtg for both sides, kat bahau ngan kat png.. so kalu jadik leh la jumpa korg kan (pd hal punye la lama lagi ehehe)..

waaa best gak dayana nak dpt adik ni.. leh plan dpt adik saing ngan irsa.. ehehe akif nak join skali x dpt adik..?

Anonymous said...

waaa kak inaz dah nak project adik utk dayana ka? emmm good good. Kalau ikut advise kawan2 yg doctor2 nih mmg kalau bleh suruh beranak cepat2..kalau boleh before 30 tuh..mak aiii payah la nak kejar umur tuh...

hasif pun nak adik? *hasif angguk2 kepala*...hahaha ti cepatlah join the club. Aku tak kisah..rezeki tak tolak :)

betul la kak inaz, kalau bab2 gather2 nih mmg kalau plan sgt tak jadi. tgk la kalau ada rezeki dapatlah jumpa kat mana2.

yati kalau ko turun shah alam habag la eh...bleh kita pi umah kak inaz and intan..aku kalu sorg2 nih slow la nak pi..dgr citer kak sri pun nak move back to KL tp tak sure la bulan baper...

Anonymous said...

mak aiii meriahnya... best nie. kalau dpt gather mummy2 yg lain pn best nie.

psl gathering tu kalau xde aral blhlah join. xjanji lah cos kalau plan payah nk jadi.

terrornya dayana dh pandai turun katil sendir. akif pn br skang nie pandai turun katil. setakat turun naik sofa n tangga tu dh selalu sgt.

ti.. kalau ko turun kl bg taulah nnti. kita gatherlah kat time square ke, mid valley ke. mana yg dekatlah. dh besar hasif br dpt jumpa.

Anonymous said...

oret tan.. kalau aku turun kl nanti aku impom.. leh g time square kan.. ehehehe jgn x tau kwn kau ni x penah smpi lg situ.. adusss punye la lama x g jenjln kat kl.. kalau turun kl pun slalu ada hal n nak cpt je..