Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sinful Indulgence..

ma had planned to bake a cheesecake since donkey years ago (exaggeration at its best).. somehow i always managed to procrastinate.. last saturday, 29 dec. 2007, after office at 12 noon, ma picked up hasif from nursery n off we went to tesco to get the necessary items.. ma planned to bake the cake at nite, after papa came back from office.. dengan semangat nye, we also bought a new baking tin, the one with hole in the middle.. ehehe i had never seen a cheese cake with a void area in the middle though..

but come nite time, after dinner it's already 8pm.. ma casually asked pa whether to prepare the cake or not since ma is a bit malas.. n the response from papa hasif is very encouraging.. 'x payah la.. kata nak tgk sehati berdansa.. esok kita beli je la kat secret recipe..' ehehe i'm not a devoted fan of sehati berdansa, but of course i'm interested to watch the finale.. btw i think vee n rashidi looks so lovely together.. so does anne n wafi..

but today, after we came back from klinik n jln2 to the zone n pelangi, ma decided to prepare the cake since we already had all the ingredients.. besides it's still early, 4pm only..
the batter in our special baking tin.. tu tgn papa hasif tgh tabur2 dark choc..
the assistant chef tgh sibuk menjengah cheese cake dah masak lom ke tu..?

yeaaa dah masak.. right before we had our dinner.. oo btw our dinner is a yummylicious sup tulang... ni specialty mama ni.. yg ni tgn papa tgh pose ngan cheese cake..

ehehe yg itam kat belah atas tu bukan hangus eh.. tp lighting effect tu.. :P

waaaaaaaa seriesly it tastes so good.. i never knew that baking a cheese cake is tht easy.. rasa sama cam secret recipe nye ni.. ehehe.. next time we planned to bake blackcurrent cheese cake with oreo base. must be good eh.. well this is the end product.. pa dah garnished with dark cooklat n mint..

wehh.. yg sorg ni geget remote tv tanda protest x dpt mkn cake ke..? jap lagi eh cayang.. tunggu dia sejuk dlm peti es.. sok kita mkn.. dah simpan semalaman dlm peti, rasa dia makin sodap nanti..


Ina said...

Wawawa siap ada ceklat-ceklat plak. I dh boring after last week buat cheesecake yg I slalu buat tu. Mmg sng kan nk buat cheesecake. Nak resepi la Mama Hasif. Bebila rajin nnt upload la resepi tak pun email kt I ek Tq in advance! hehe (tak malu ;P)

spectacularwave said...

weih, meh le satu slice... ces tak bagi pun! ehehehe

Anonymous said...

ehehe ina.. sori lambat.. macam2 came up lak aritu.. bleh.. nanti i email kt u the resipi eh.. but it's basically lebih kurang je ngan urs :D

Anonymous said...

bleh spec.. kalau u mai sini, bukan takat 1 slice.. 4 slice pun bleh.. :D