Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jalan-jalan Carik Cawan..

we went to singapore today.. the mission..? ikea singapore.. out from the house early, around 8:30am cos ma wanted to go to the makcik urut first to fix ma's right hand yg dok rasa numb je skang.. after urut n breakfast, it's already 10:30am when we entered singapore..
ni gamba hasif yg tgh boring tunggu mama siap before we went out..

hasif slept all the way through.. from jb to ikea.. ehehe sng skit mama.. this is hasif's mobile bed.. it is forever fixed in the car.. ehehe..

hasif.. while u were sleeping, we passed through papa's office.. near woodlands..

ikea tampines is not so far.. barely 15 mins drive from pa's office.. the road is wide n free from traffic.. so convenient..

the place is big.. but the searching of parking space is easy peasy.. in fact though we arrived around 12pm, we managed to secure the parking space nearest to the entrance.. we guessed a lot of singaporean came here using public transportation.. they had a shuttle bus from the ikea to the nearest MRT station.. so even kalau x de kereta, still senang nak pegi sini..

the place had a wonderful baby care room.. punya la lawa n selesa..

hasif ngan papa posing dlm baby care room before hasif had his lunch..

this is one of the corner in the baby room.. below the lights, there's a comfortable sofa, sng sgt nak menyusu kan baby.. kalau penat jalan dlm ikea, masuk sini n kunci pintu pastu doze off kat sofa tu pun ok gak eheh..

we were out from ikea around 3pm.. had a quick lunch (ke dah masuk tea time tu..) at IT Roo Cafe near jln dhobi, jb.. we love chicken chop there.. they claimed that it is the best in town (yeaaaa rightttttt... n i claim that hasif is the one who invent telephone..).. but the chicken chop is truly good though i felt like the serving is a tad smaller than before (ke dah lapa sgt smpi rasa ayam tu kecik eheheh)..

we reached home at 5 pm.. hasil tangkapan kat ikea..?

tadaaaaaaaaaaaa........ 51 boxes of glass.. each box contain 6 glasses.. so total we have now 306 glasses.. ehehe macam org nak meniaga kan.. actually ma's anak buah will get married this coming march.. n we will sponsor the berkat for them.. the glass will be the berkat for adults.. x tau la whether the quantity is sufficient or not.. if the kenduri will be held in KL, it will be a private n quiet wedding.. thus 300 may be sufficient for the adults.. for kids will be a different item.. but if held in kampung, then x cukup la.. the initial plan is to conduct the wedding in KL..

ni la those glasses.. we plan to put either boiled egg or jelly inside.. if the wedding will be held in KL, leceh la skit kalau rebus telur bagai.. so better letak jelly.. so all in all, we had a very productive weekend..


Ina said...

Baru nak cakap ni mcm nak wat kenduri je. Sekali betul hihi. Berkat2 tu style Johor kan selalunya. Penah 2 kali attend kenduri kt Johor sedara hubby kawin. Ish teringat plak telur pindang, tapai dgn beryani ;D

Anonymous said...

eheheh rasa nye byk negeri kan yg prepare berkat ni.. cuma panggilan nye lain la.. org negeri sembilan pun ada prepare berkat, tp kitorg x panggil 'berkat' la.. kitorg panggil wedding souvenir ahahaha :D tp terms berkat slalu org johor la pki agak nye kan.. uhuhu ina suka ke telur pindang..? x penah try nak mkn, horror lak rs tgk kaler dia tu eheh..

spectacularwave said...

ala strawb... napa la aku lemau.. dah baca dah about your entry ni..tapi lupa.. Mak i pun tengah glass hunting untuk my sister's wedding.. apsal la aku tak teringat.. iskk... eh u datang tau strawb.. bulan lima..

Anonymous said...

nak buat berkat ke spec glass tu..? ada my fren ckp kat kilang kt psr gudang ni quite cheap if buy in bulk.. but i did not survey la psl nak beli x byk sgt..

ooo kenduri nye bulan 5 eh.. insya Allah kalau dpt invitation kad leh la pegi nanti :D

spectacularwave said...

yalah nak buat berkat.. eh could u find out more about the kilang in PG if u have the time? coz we kinda have shortage here...

and yes, i will definitely send the card you once it's ready. datang tau, all of you..