Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Superman in the Making..

Hasif fell off the bed this morning!! It was around 6:30am.. papa hasif was in the bathroom at tht time.. after getting ready, i checked on hasif.. good.. he's still asleep.. so i thought i'm going downstairs to put some fish in hasif's porridge yg tgh tertenggek ats dapur.. suddenly i heard hasif's voice.. ekkkkkk ekkkkkkkk... he normally made that sound when he woke up.. like a cry but not a cry.. some sort of warning or announcement 'tht the prince had woken up, better get me fast before i start screaming'.. normally after waking up in the morning, he will just sit still while making those sound until somebody pick him up.. then before i was able to wash my hand, i heard a loud thump, followed by a loud wail.. i quickly washed my hand n pratically run upstairs to our bedroom.. i thought i never run so fast in my entire life.. i found papa hasif had gone out of the bathroom, all wet n holding hasif who's still crying out loud.. i took hasif n tried to sooth him.. brought him for a walk n tried to coo him.. luckily he stop crying less than 5 mins after that.. n start to laugh again..

phewwwwwwww berderau darah.. x pernah rasa takut mcm tu bila dgr hasif jatuh.. we noticed that there's no swelling, so we can continue with our daily routine i.e. head to office.. i surf the net and discover the following piece of advise.. "You should worry if the baby falls from a height of equal or greater than his height. And if he fell on the side of his head instead of the back and the fronts, because there are greater risk if he fell on his sides. But you should not be complacent and watch out for these signs
  • Convulsions
  • Prolong drowsiness (though 2~3 hours are normal)
  • Prolong dizziness
  • Vomiting more than twice
  • Refused milk or eating
  • Fainting"
so far no sign of the above yet.. but we will continue to monitor him closely.. papa called the nursery during lunch hour today, teacher letchumi said that hasif is his usual self.. playing n eating like normal.. hope nothing bad will happen.. hasif.. please... pleaseeeeeee... no more this kind of stunt in the future ok.. pls wait for us to pick u up in the morning ok sayang..

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jalan-jalan Carik Cawan..

we went to singapore today.. the mission..? ikea singapore.. out from the house early, around 8:30am cos ma wanted to go to the makcik urut first to fix ma's right hand yg dok rasa numb je skang.. after urut n breakfast, it's already 10:30am when we entered singapore..
ni gamba hasif yg tgh boring tunggu mama siap before we went out..

hasif slept all the way through.. from jb to ikea.. ehehe sng skit mama.. this is hasif's mobile bed.. it is forever fixed in the car.. ehehe..

hasif.. while u were sleeping, we passed through papa's office.. near woodlands..

ikea tampines is not so far.. barely 15 mins drive from pa's office.. the road is wide n free from traffic.. so convenient..

the place is big.. but the searching of parking space is easy peasy.. in fact though we arrived around 12pm, we managed to secure the parking space nearest to the entrance.. we guessed a lot of singaporean came here using public transportation.. they had a shuttle bus from the ikea to the nearest MRT station.. so even kalau x de kereta, still senang nak pegi sini..

the place had a wonderful baby care room.. punya la lawa n selesa..

hasif ngan papa posing dlm baby care room before hasif had his lunch..

this is one of the corner in the baby room.. below the lights, there's a comfortable sofa, sng sgt nak menyusu kan baby.. kalau penat jalan dlm ikea, masuk sini n kunci pintu pastu doze off kat sofa tu pun ok gak eheh..

we were out from ikea around 3pm.. had a quick lunch (ke dah masuk tea time tu..) at IT Roo Cafe near jln dhobi, jb.. we love chicken chop there.. they claimed that it is the best in town (yeaaaa rightttttt... n i claim that hasif is the one who invent telephone..).. but the chicken chop is truly good though i felt like the serving is a tad smaller than before (ke dah lapa sgt smpi rasa ayam tu kecik eheheh)..

we reached home at 5 pm.. hasil tangkapan kat ikea..?

tadaaaaaaaaaaaa........ 51 boxes of glass.. each box contain 6 glasses.. so total we have now 306 glasses.. ehehe macam org nak meniaga kan.. actually ma's anak buah will get married this coming march.. n we will sponsor the berkat for them.. the glass will be the berkat for adults.. x tau la whether the quantity is sufficient or not.. if the kenduri will be held in KL, it will be a private n quiet wedding.. thus 300 may be sufficient for the adults.. for kids will be a different item.. but if held in kampung, then x cukup la.. the initial plan is to conduct the wedding in KL..

ni la those glasses.. we plan to put either boiled egg or jelly inside.. if the wedding will be held in KL, leceh la skit kalau rebus telur bagai.. so better letak jelly.. so all in all, we had a very productive weekend..

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Not so long ago, Hasif's right eyes had swollen.. in the bottom of the right eyes.. it had occured before.. we thought it was because hasif loves to rub his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt.. early this month, it happens again.. so on 6 jan. we brought him to the paed.. his normal paed when he's unwell is Dr K***d** in Johor Specialist.. but we had decided tht we had enough of this doc.. we felt like his check up is not thorough.. in addition to tht, the fact that his no of waiting patients at his clinic is not so encouraging make us wonder.. even on sunday morning, sometimes we are the only patient waiting..

see his right eyes in the picture above. it is red and swollen..

so we now change to puteri specialist, also in jb, the doc is dr katherine tham.. so on 6 jan, sunday morning we marched there to check for hasif's swollen eyes.. we reached the hospital around 10am, much to our dismay.. camne x lambat, we had breakfast first at home.. mkn nasik pagi2 tu mcm org2 tua eheheh.. lauk sup tulang that ma prepared the day before.. the q in the clinic is sooooooooooo long.. punye la ramai org.. we felt good nonetheless when we see the number of people waiting.. at least lagi ramai dr the one in dr k***d**'s clinic..

hasif tgh tgu dgn papa kat luar clinic..

a peek at the busy clinic..

after waiting for exactly one hour, hasif's name was called, thank goodness.. dr katherine is an efficient doctor.. we saw her for barely 10 mins but it had been fruitful.. she checked hasif's nose n she told us tht dlm hidung hasif skit bengkak.. meaning to say tht he had allergy.. most probably not due to food, but because of environment.. tht's why his eyes was swollen since the block in the nostril had caused the tear duct to block also.. now we know.. all these while we thought that the swollen was caused by hasif's own behavior, i.e rubbing the face n the eyes.. sian hasif.. lucky tht we brought him to meet the doctor.. all other symptoms tht the doctor mentioned, such as wheezing also was true.. during tht visit, hasif also got his pneumococcal jab.. this is one expensive jab, rm300/jab.. 3 jabs are required for babies below 1 year old n each jab must be repeated every 6 weeks..

during our long trip balik kg last time, hasif had a slight fever.. we had been to the pasar malam the night before they felt sick.. while we were in the pasar malam, it suddenly rains.. we had no umbrella n ma covered hasif's head with plastic (ehehe mintak plastik kat kedai jual mee grg) n mak ngah covered uzma's head with a handkerchief.. but kaum2 ibu ni still gigih nak shopping brg mknn kat pasar mlm (i.e. mama hasif, mak ngah n uwan) before rushing back home.. the day after, all the three kids were sick.. hasif, his cousin uzma (pity her.. she's only 3months'+) and abg adha.. lucky tht hasif's fever was only for a while, but it took uzma a few days to recover since she's still a small baby n cannot take much medication..

hasif tgh meragam masa demam.. masa ni kat still kat kg..

kesian baby uzma..

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Meal :)

yesterday was public holiday in malaysia (unfortunately it's not the same with singapore.. so papa has to work :D).. while hasif was having his nap in the morning, ma chat with a dear friend, effa who will soon give borth (EDD is middle next month.. i'm excited for u :) )

she asked me to show how i prepare meals for hasif as she's afraid tht she will not get it right for her baby when the time comes.. well effa cheer up.. i hv a good news.. u don't hv to be a rocket scientist to prepare a nutritious meals for ur loved ones :D

ma normally prepared hasif's porridge in the morning - for 3 servings.. sometimes tuka la mkn nestum ke rusk ke alih2 selera kan.. hasif's fav is porridge with spinach n carrot.. or even better, add some potato.. but i normally go slow with the potato as it is believed tht potato may cause constipation for small baby..

ok 1st bring the brown rice to boil before reducing the heat.. when the brown rice is almost cooked (beras tu dah kembang setaman), add in some carrot..

after the carrot is soft n only little water left, add in broccoli..

then finally add in spinach..

after 5 seconds, turn off the heat..

though hasif already have teeth, we still blend his porridge.. ehehe psl dah terbiasa kot.. so the end result..

it's not that difficult to please the prince :D

i stumbled upon this site just now and they hv a funny test.. the so-called The Blog Readability Test.. it measures the level of education required to read our blog.. and the result..? eheheh it does not take much in order to understand this blog.. elementary school is sufficient..

blog readability test

The Blog Readability Test

adoii hasif.. dia ckp kita nye blog's reading level is elementary school je ke.. but it means that our blog is simple and easy to understand.. afterall this is not a complicated blog to discuss world's latest invention or the history of Noble prize or whatever kan ehehehe..

anyway try it guys if u haven't tried it yet.. it's fun :D

Monday, January 21, 2008

Yeaaaaaaa......... Naik Kuda..

these photos were taken during our visit to bahau during last christmas.. the photos were taken 6 hours before hasif had his hair cut..

abg adha, abg haziq, kak nadrah n pak ngah..

Milestone Progress - 9 Months Old..!!

woohoooooooooo.. hasif dah 9 months old a week ago.. tp mama buat2 bz so the update on the progress was slightly late.. we even missed the 8 months old progress report.. mmmm..

so at 9 months old hasif:

- attempt to stand without support, though still wobbly.. he's so happy when we hold his hand and encourage him to walk while saying 'tak tihhh'.. will senyum lebar smpi nmpk sume gigi once we do that..

- can clap hand and wave bye2 while saying tatataatatatataat.. ehehe mama ajar ckp babai is tata (ma learnt that from atuk and uwan ehehe).. actually hasif can do this a week before he turns 8 months old..

- has 6 teeth.. 4 on upper gum n 2 on lower gum.. all of this teeth shows up within a week after the first appearance, which around 2 months ago.. so now he's mastering the art of biting.. during our long trip blk kg last time, tgn mama dah mcm kena dera.. biru sana sini kena gigit kat hasif..

- has develop a sense of ownership.. if he's fully occupied with something, don't dare to take it away from him.. he will either bite u or scream to his heart's content or use his special weapon (menyembur air liur dgn penuh perasaan)..

- had three meals a day or more.. his fav is bubur nasik with carrot n spinach.. ohh and also chocolate.. he will grin ear-to-ear if we give him chocolate.. tp x bleh la slalu sgt.. hasif basically is not so choosy in food selection.. dia nak mkn sume yg org lain mkn.. when we blk kg last time, he tried a new variety of foods.. kuih mentalam (he love this one, consume 2 big pieces..), bubur nasik s*****, tauhu, fish soup, cekodok pisang, cucur udang n many more..

- had officially entered Separation Anxiety Phase when we balik kampung more than a week ago.. so basically now he prefers mama more than anything else on the planet.. ehehehe.. he still wants papa, luckily, but if possible he wants to always attach to ma's body.. x bleh org lain pegang nanti dia jerit.. during our long trip balik kg last time, only pak ngah managed to win his heart because pak ngah likes to show him cicak.. pak long ada skit funny experience with crying hasif ahahahahaa.. sian pak long.. he's searching high and low for ma when we were in s*****, thought ma n mak ngah went to the cafe, when infact we were in the nearby shop.. at that time has was crying out loud, trying so hard to free himself from pak long's dukungan.. pak long had to practically run in order to find ma fast (ma did not bring handphone at that time).. hasif, pak long ckp org keliling tgk pak long mcm pak long try nak kidnap hasif psl hasif tgh meraung n pak long lak jln laju2.. ehehehe..

- looks more n more like mama eheheh.. uwan said his face is a carbon copy of ma's face when i was his age..

Balik Kampung Part I..

we went back to ma's hometown more than a week ago (pak teh, the actual and complete version of the blk kg trip will be revealed later.. stay tuned ok :D.. ma ckp kena kasik suspense skit dulu :P).. one of the activities was to catch fish in Empang Bangkong-or-whatever-name-that-is-i'm-not-so-sure dam.. the participants of the interesting activities were pak su, pak ngah n pak long.. i wanted to join but papa said a big NO cause i was not feeling well.. so x pe la.. maybe i'll just join uwan to the market beli ikan :P
the catch..? not so much though they went with pak ngah's lori kecik.. only 4 fishes.. but one of the fish was this one..
kitorg x de lak besen yg lagi besa utk ltk ikan ni..

uwan tgh bertungkus lumus siang ikan misteri ni.. ehehe.. pa said the weight is close to 5kg.. besa oo pak teh bleh buat kenduri ni.. ehehe.. so a pat in the shoulder to pak ngah for his interesting catch.. bravo..

New Passport..

ma took half day leave this afternoon.. off we went to the immigration office in Pekan Rabu.. the reason..? to make a new passport for me and mama.. thank u so much papa sbb belanja kitorg passport ehehe.. muahhhhhhhhhhhhh papa byk2..

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... skang hasif dah bleh ikut papa gi keje :D

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sinful Indulgence..

ma had planned to bake a cheesecake since donkey years ago (exaggeration at its best).. somehow i always managed to procrastinate.. last saturday, 29 dec. 2007, after office at 12 noon, ma picked up hasif from nursery n off we went to tesco to get the necessary items.. ma planned to bake the cake at nite, after papa came back from office.. dengan semangat nye, we also bought a new baking tin, the one with hole in the middle.. ehehe i had never seen a cheese cake with a void area in the middle though..

but come nite time, after dinner it's already 8pm.. ma casually asked pa whether to prepare the cake or not since ma is a bit malas.. n the response from papa hasif is very encouraging.. 'x payah la.. kata nak tgk sehati berdansa.. esok kita beli je la kat secret recipe..' ehehe i'm not a devoted fan of sehati berdansa, but of course i'm interested to watch the finale.. btw i think vee n rashidi looks so lovely together.. so does anne n wafi..

but today, after we came back from klinik n jln2 to the zone n pelangi, ma decided to prepare the cake since we already had all the ingredients.. besides it's still early, 4pm only..
the batter in our special baking tin.. tu tgn papa hasif tgh tabur2 dark choc..
the assistant chef tgh sibuk menjengah cheese cake dah masak lom ke tu..?

yeaaa dah masak.. right before we had our dinner.. oo btw our dinner is a yummylicious sup tulang... ni specialty mama ni.. yg ni tgn papa tgh pose ngan cheese cake..

ehehe yg itam kat belah atas tu bukan hangus eh.. tp lighting effect tu.. :P

waaaaaaaa seriesly it tastes so good.. i never knew that baking a cheese cake is tht easy.. rasa sama cam secret recipe nye ni.. ehehe.. next time we planned to bake blackcurrent cheese cake with oreo base. must be good eh.. well this is the end product.. pa dah garnished with dark cooklat n mint..

wehh.. yg sorg ni geget remote tv tanda protest x dpt mkn cake ke..? jap lagi eh cayang.. tunggu dia sejuk dlm peti es.. sok kita mkn.. dah simpan semalaman dlm peti, rasa dia makin sodap nanti..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

38 Questions Tag

Note: I wrote this entry on monday 31st dec 2007, night time.. then we received a news tht made me stop doing everything tht i was doing at that time, and save the entry on impulse, instead of publishing it.. i think i'm a bit malas to redo the whole thing so today i will just post it anyway..

Well mama received this tag from lian more than a month ago tp x sempat nak buat lagi.. so sempena dah nak ujung taun ni, better mama jwb skang gak :D

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
my boys (papa hasif n hasif).. hasif loves to geli2 kan org.. sometime’s he will blow in ur tummy, or ur lengan..

2. What were you doing at 0800?
just arrived in the office, put the battery of my breast pump in the charger and went down straight away for Monday briefing..

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Putting baby to sleep.

4. What happened to you in 2006?
got married with my better half n got pregnant immediately afterwards..

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
’hasif.. no…….!’ when he crawled to the shoe rack n tried to bite my sandal.. aiyoooooooo…

6. How many beverages did you have today?
3; plain water for the whole day, hot milo in the morning (celup ngan biskut weetameal.. uishhhh sodap eh).. and green tea in the afternoon..

7. What color is your hairbrush?
pink and brown..

8.What was the last thing you paid for?
apam blk in front of maybank when we went out for hasif’s registration during lunch hour today..

9. Where were you last night?
home sweet home..

10. What color is your front door?

11. Where do you keep your change?
in my handbag.. or in the terry's segsation bekas coklat that I treat as tabung..

12. What’s the weather like today?
scorching hot..

13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
of course chocolate.. yummy..

14. What excites you?
good food.. good companion.. I’m very easy to please.. throw me some chocolate, then I’ll be a happy little girl :D

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
already cut my hair earlier this month..

16. Are you over the age of 25?
No.. I’m only 18 eheheheheheheh :P

17. Do you talk a lot?
of course not

18. Do you watch the O.C.?

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
yes, dr steven from grey’s anatomy.. ehehehehehehehe..

20. Do you make up your own words?
no.. my vocab is pretty bad already.. so I tend to copy..

21. Are you a jealous person?
Depending on whom to be jealous of.. but mostly yesss eheh..

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.

24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
My sister..

25. What does the last text message you received say?
From hubby telling me tht he cancelled his plan to go to tesco to buy paper shredder today as hasif had fallen asleep in the car, on their way home from sending me to the office (I went home by car around 11am today, then leave the car at home.. we went to hasif’s nursery to register for his 2008 session, had a quick lunch, then hubby n hasif sent me straight to office.. initially they planned to go straight to tesco after sending me off)..

26. Do you chew on your straw?
No.. I prefer to chew on foods la..

27. Do you have curly hair?
no.. lurus beralun ala2 teknik rebonding gitu.. eheheh..

28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
to bed

29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
my previous friend..

30. What was the last thing you ate?
good dinner at senibong seafood: butter prawn, udang tepung n sup campur..

31. Will you get married in the future?
insyaAllah x la dah.. we are pretty happy and contented with our life now..

32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
this is a pretty tough question.. I don’t think I had watched any movie within the past 2 weeks..

33. Is there anyone you like right now?
my boys.. my big boy hubby n my small boy hasif..

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
last nite..

35. Are you currently depressed?
Alhamdulillah no..

36. Did you cry today?

37. Why did you answer and post this?
I had been tagged by lian, and I want to show her that I care enough to answer the tag.. plus I have nothing else better to do now :D

38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
- Umi D
- Spec
- Ina Dandelion
- Umi Akif
- Epol
don’t worry guys, I’ ll leave u msg in ur site to remind u of this :D